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Follow on Google News | Scottsdale Chamber Launches Economic Growth InitiativeScottsdale Chamber of Commerce is getting together with Scottsdale business leader to kickoff the initiative, Next Steps Scottsdale-Building an Action Plan for Economic Growth. Tickets are now on sale for this event.
By: Chelsea Daniels, R&R Partners “This initiative will help shape our future,” said, Rick Kidder, Scottsdale Chamber CEO. “We’re putting together a group of movers, thinkers and doers who are willing to roll-up their sleeves and work. This is an exciting time for anyone who wants to join a powerful group that turns smart thinking into action.” Next Steps Scottsdale will build on the chamber’s 2003 report, Which Way Scottsdale, written by the Morrison Institute for Public Policy. That report studied the community’s challenges and made recommendations on how to improve many aspects of living and business in Scottsdale. “It’s been seven years since that report was issued and a lot has changed since then,” said Mike Miller, President / CEO of Scottsdale Insurance Company, one of the business people taking the lead on the Next Steps initiative. “While the 2003 report is incredibly relevant, we want to update it in a context that recognizes today’s business climate and economic realities, while seeking to address tomorrow’s needs.” The Next Steps Scottsdale kickoff is Wednesday, September 15 from 7:00am to 1:30pm at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort on 5401 N. Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale. The event is open to the public. Tickets are $125 each for chamber members and $150 for non-chamber members and can be purchased by visiting The event will begin with a breakfast keynote address on the Arizona We Want by Lattie Coor, followed by a panel discussion on the Which Way Scottsdale report, multiple breakout sessions and concluding with a lunch keynote address. “The kickoff is just of one of series of events in which community and business leaders can take an active role setting a powerful new path for the people who live and work in the Scottsdale area,” Kidder said. “This is a great opportunity for everyone’s voice to be heard.” Next Steps Scottsdale –Kick off Event Date; Wednesday, September 15th Time: 7:00 am to 1:30 pm Place: Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort, 5401 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale Schedule at-a-glance 7:00am - Registration 7:30am - Symposium Begins / Breakfast Served 8:00am - Breakfast Keynote - Lattie Coor "The Arizona We Want" 8:30am - Which Way Scottsdale Framing Discussion 9:30am - Breakout Sessions #1 10:30am - Coffee Break 10:45am - 11:45am - Breakout Sessions #2 Noon - Lunch and Keynote Speaker 1:30 - Symposium Ends Workshop Topics All workshops will be facilitated by the Morrison Institute for Public Policy Legacy at Risk How can Scottsdale retain and enhance its great quality of place? Redefining Greatness How can Scottsdale shape its niche in a new era? Region on the Rise How can Scottsdale play with 360 degree vision? The Scottsdale Story How can the “three Scottsdales” Tougher Agenda How will ‘can do” Scottsdale get past the “Stopsdale” About the Scottsdale Chamber The Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in Scottsdale providing advocacy, education, networking, leadership and exposure opportunities to our member businesses. The Chamber actively works to maintain Scottsdale’s high quality of life and create an environment where business innovation, excellence and entrepreneurship can thrive. For more information visit or call 480.355.2700. # # # R&R Partners specializes in moving minds through strategic thinking and creative audacity that captures imaginations, ignites conversations and action. We have a blend of advertising, public relations, issues advocacy, media and digital marketing. End