Nintendo 3DS Impressions Launching by the End of March 2011

In an interview with Japanese newspaper Nikkei, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata said the company is experimenting with tech that will use the 3DS's always-on Wi-Fi to retrieve newspaper and magazine subscriptions.
Aug. 27, 2010 - PRLog -- Eric Neigher, Contributing Editor: So, we had the privilege of experiencing the Nintendo 3DS in all its glory today -- and I say "experiencing" and not "playing," since all we could really do was watch videos of upcoming games. Still, I think I got enough of a sense of the thing to give some first impressions. I liked the new thumbstick and the improved graphical powers a lot. I didn't like the 3D aspect of it at all. While the effect works to some degree, the screen looks like one of those magic-eye stickers they used to make where it looks like one thing from one angle and another thing from another angle. With the 3D on, I mostly had trouble focusing on the action, and got slightly seasick. Maybe this is something I would get used to, but I can see myself never, ever using this feature. Your thoughts?

Ryan Scott, Executive Editor: Well, the problem is, a lot of this is just proof-of-concept right now -- lots of demos, but not much playable stuff. I think the idea of 3D gaming -- especially on a handheld, without glasses -- is pretty awesome, and I have faith that Nintendo and some of the more savvy developers can figure out how to do it well. Some of the stuff I saw, like Metal Gear Solid 3D, was flat-out amazing. Just the fact that a handheld system can do this at all, is a real accomplishment. But I get what you're saying; it seems gimmicky, and the viewing angle is... weird. I dunno if that's gonna work out so well for, say, Mario Kart. Then again, I guess if you're not down with the 3D, you can just turn it off.

Eric Neigher:Sure, and the option to turn it off is a very shrewd move by Nintendo here. But it begs the question: If most people see it as a curiosity that they'll just turn off 90% of the time, why the hell do we need it in the first place? It seems like 3D is another one of these "me too" type technologies that everybody has to jump on the bandwagon for, now that it's become somewhat commonplace. I mean, this stuff was lame in the 1970s, and now the big impetus is to bring it back. Why? Did you feel it might really enhance your gaming experience?

Ryan Scott: Didn't we say the same thing about the DS touch-screen back when that system first came out? And it was wonky at first, yeah -- and some publishers still shovel out some crap -- but that mechanic has enabled a lot of fantastic games that might not have otherwise existed. Don't you think that this might be another one of those situations?

Eric Neigher: No, I don't, because this is not a "mechanic" in the same way that a touch-screen is. A touch-screen is an inherently interactive device; a 3D graphics-capable screen isn't. It's kinda like saying that the new DS has a more powerful graphics processor in it. That's great and all, but it doesn't really have anything to do with the way I play the games, so it can't properly be styled a mechanic, as far as I'm concerned. And that's why this thing smacks of gimmick to me. But, then again, I am a cynical bastard.

Let's talk a little about some of the titles we saw. You mentioned Metal Gear; why'd that one stick out so much to you? And how about the new Kid Icarus: Uprising? And yeah, we both saw Mario Kart -- I don't really get why 3D graphics are an improvement in a Kart racing game, but it looks like more of the same kind of fun that the series always brings. Agree?

Ryan Scott: MGS3 just had me wowed because it's a PlayStation 2 game on a DS -- that's just crazy, man! And as for Kid Icarus, I gotta admit, I was one of those drooling Nintendo fanboys when that particular announcement dropped. Kid freakin' ICARUS! I couldn't get much of a sense of how the game's gonna go down, based on the trailer -- well, aside from "this will be an action-adventure with quite a bit of flying." But I am so very excited at the prospect of a new Kid Icarus game. And yeah, Mario Kart is Mario Kart. Looked... kinda the same. Except, in 3D. Wahoo.

Eric Neigher: Yeah, I suppose I agree with all that. And it was cool to see a Resident Evil title on there. Along with Metal Gear, I think we're looking at some slightly more adult-oriented DS titles, which is a nice change. I also genuinely dug the improved graphical powers, no question. I hope the 3D aspect doesn't mean that 3DS titles will always be action-y and full-motion-video-y, though. Some of my favorite DS series, like Fire Emblem and the classic Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest titles, really have no business being even slightly 3D at all. And while you can turn the 3D off and all, I hope it won't mean that developers all start wagging the dog and making 3D-friendly games, instead of making good games regardless of 3D suitability.

Considering we didn't actually get to play any full, real games yet, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic about the 3DS. Sure, I think the 3D aspect is a pointless gimmick... but everything else about it is just an awesomely upgraded and expanded DS. Who can say that's a bad thing?

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