A great project and solid management pushed this OTCBB listed miner up 1819%

Iminesco.com is working with some OTCBB listed companies who are looking to acquire promising projects and/or claims.
Sept. 1, 2010 - PRLog -- The OTCBB market is very hot right now and many junior mining companies are experiencing massive trading volume and consistent price increases.

LBSR (http://www.libertystaruranium.com/www) is a great example of how well investors, insiders, and mining executives can do when everything comes together under the right circumstances.

This July 8th press release launched the stock on a massive ride higher. Their deal with Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd put them on the radar.


The stock which had traded @ .01 on July 8th traded as high as .1919 on August 31st. Anyone who picked up stock @ .01 made as much as 1819% on this run higher. The liquidity on the stock was staggering as the stock moved higher. If you check the trading records, LBSR had many trading days of dollar volume in excess of $1 million USD. In fact LBSR traded as much as $4 million USD of stock on the day it hit .1919.

The drivers behind this stock are firmly in place. Fundamentals are making this stock an investor favourite.


Iminesco.com is looking for the next LBSR. The market is hot and a good project will get the attention of all participants.

The lesson to be learned here is that listing in the US is a great alternative for junior miners who have great projects. If you have a project and would like to be matched with an OTCBB company/shell, please contact us and we will get in touch with you in 24 to 48 hours.

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Iminesco brokers mining properties and claims available on the market. We have a portfolio of claims and buyers of claims which we update on an ongoing basis. Please call 1-888-234-7356 or visit www.iminesco.com for more information.

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