Marketing Interns are Key Contributors at Bd-PRo Marketing

Students from Penn State University and Carnegie Mellon University were accepted from a talented pool of applicants to join BD-PRo Marketing Solutions and assist in empowering small businesses to achieve their marketing objectives affordably.
By: Jyoti Sharma
Sept. 12, 2010 - PRLog -- USA, PA, Pittsburgh, September 12, 2010- In June, 2010 BD - PRo Marketing Solutions hired four interns – Jyoti Sharma, Ravikiran Rajgopal, and Jerry Liao from Smeal College of Business, Penn State University and Kira Patel from Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University to assist with marketing campaign and product launch.

“Launching my company has been very exciting and challenging and the contributions of this very capable group of students helped to make it happen”, says Sheryl Johnson, Founder of BD-PRo Marketing Solutions.  “I am thrilled to continue working with this very capable team and together we have developed and implemented a solid marketing strategy that has already resulted in an 85% increase in qualified leads just in the last week alone.”

Jyoti Sharma is currently enrolled in the MBA Program at Penn State. She is managing the overall project management function at BD-PRo including the product launch. She conducts market research to analyze the market trends, understand the business challenges, and access potential markets. She is assisting with web-n-learns, which is an initiative by BD- PRo to share effective marketing strategies with small businesses. To learn more about web-n-learns go to

Kira Patel is currently enrolled in the MBA program at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. She is taking the lead in establishing business network for BD- PRo. She help BD-PRo implement marketing campaigns by conducting market research, establishing business contacts, maintaining quality control, and performing on-going product development.

Ravikiran is currently enrolled in the MBA program at Pennsylvania State University. At BD- PRo he directs the research and adoption of social media strategies. He combines his marketing and IT expertise to help the small business owners make the best use of new technologies.

Jerry Xiaoshen Liao is currently enrolled in the Master of Accountancy Program at Penn State. At BD - Pro, he conducts market research on social media, such as Facebook and LinkedIn to better understand small business challenges and helps to develop online marketing strategies for small businesses. He has also developed a financial calculator for small business owners to analyze their marketing expenditure and returns.

As the fall semester starts, the four interns are continuing to work with BD-PRo while pursuing their degrees. Jyoti Sharma states, “Working at BD-PRo has positively influenced my career and life. The experience sharpened my marketing and communication skills. Sheryl is a charismatic and inspiring leader. I cherish working with her and my team mates; their commitment and energy level is infectious”.

BD Pro Marketing Solutions, based in Pittsburgh, PA can assist a small business with limited marketing budget to succeed. To know more about BD Pro Marketing Solutions and how it can help small businesses in its marketing challenges, go to  To learn about future events designed exclusively for small business owners join the official facebook page at or follow on twitter at To grow your business network, connect with BD-PRo on or participate in the BD-PRo Blog community on

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BD-PRo empowers small businesses to achieve their marketing objectives affordably by providing strategic marketing services. We integrate business development (BD) and public relations (PR) to maximize results. Be a Pro in marketing with BD-PRo!

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