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Follow on Google News | The demise of the NPfIT represents a fantastic opportunity for hospitals to procure exact solutionsDMF Systems have been saying it for years, hospitals have been blinded by national IT development plans, procuring solutions from nationally focused vendors that are not locally focused on requirements and are consistently not delivered on time.
By: Keith Hanley The forgotten champions of software development are specialist SME’s. Healthcare software development specialists that will sit down and help to develop a spec based on actual requirement and then deliver a solution that has been finely tuned, tailored and tested during the build at a fraction of the cost. So why has the SME been largely forgotten? People are frightened to deviate from national direction and it is easier to follow sometimes than to lead. There is also an air of self-preservation about decisions on which solution to adopt. If one chooses a national vendor and something goes wrong or the project is delayed one presumes a greater safety net than if they chose to run with a local solution provider. Yet the SME will continue to knock on doors, showcase and invest time and effort in tender after tender knowing in their heart of hearts that a decision was probably made before the tender process began to go with a recognised national vendor. Independent healthcare IT consultants are indicating that trusts and hospitals should be considering more locally provided solutions to deliver future ICT infrastructure requirement. The policy now switches to an electronic patient record consisting of several integrated but different EPR component solutions. Decide in advance the exact design and structure of your EPR strategy based on the existing norms and/or future strategy of the hospital, then insert more flexible, cost effective and timely delivered solutions from credible and capable healthcare specialist SMEs. # # # Since 1998, DMF Systems has delivered a wide range of functionally rich, cost-effective software solutions to the Healthcare Sector. From admissions to bed-side, we offer a comprehensive suite of departmental solutions tailored to the needs of Hospitals and Healthcare facilities.. End
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