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Follow on Google News | Maxalife MX Brain Swift To Help Improve Your Memory and FocusMaxalife is pleased to announce the development of MX Brain Swift to improve memory and focus for improved performance everyday.
By: Maxalife There is an old joke that you know you are getting old when you enter a room and cannot remember why you went in there in the first place. Perhaps you haven’t experienced that problem but have difficulty remembering a name only seconds after hearing it for the first time. While we have all experienced problems with memory and focus at different times in our lives, Maxalife MX Brain Swift can greatly improve brain function thereby improving memory and focus. As we age, the brain becomes less dexterous and we lose critical brain mass which results in diminished capacity for learning, memory and focus. It does not have to be a fact of life that you lose your brain power due to age. By taking Maxalife MX Brain Swift on a daily basis, you can improve your brain health significantly. The reasons for diminished brain health are not as simple as mere age though. Free radicals, which are harmful substances produced by the over-processed foods we eat as well as carcinogens and chemicals such as tobacco smoke and pesticides also produce free radicals in our bodies. These free radicals destroy our cells. The brain does not have the capacity to repair its cells and one theory is that a buildup of free radicals in the brain causes brain damage and loss of memory and focus. Maxalife MX Brain Swift has ingredients to fight brain damage caused by free radicals. Maxalife MX Brain Swift has fish oil, a powerful source of the essential omega 3 fatty acids, as well as other antioxidants that have the capacity to improve brain health. Fish oil and antioxidants, you can improve your memory and focus significantly. What is fish oil? Fish oil is an unsaturated fat derived from fatty fish such as mackerel, tuna and sardines. Fish oil is important because it contains omega 3 fatty acids. It is not recommended that we eat fatty fish every day because of the potential for excess exposure to mercury which can also be present in fatty fish, taking a fish oil supplement is important for brain health because it gets you the essential omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil like that from Maxalife MX Brain Swift has been shown to help lower “bad” cholesterol in the blood, increase “good” cholesterol and reduce blood pressure thereby lessening your chances of having a heart attack. Likewise, omega 3 fatty acids break down blood clots before they have the chance to cause a stroke. Omega 3 fatty acid improve memory and focus as well as symptoms of depression and anxiety. What are antioxidants? Oxidation is a chemical reaction at the molecular level that changes the body’s protons and electrons which produces those nasty free radicals. We do not want free radicals around because they damage our cells and cause disease and accelerated aging. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from wreaking havoc in our bodies can improve brain health. Maxalife MX Brain Swift is chocked full of natural antioxidants for your health. Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants are important components to good brain health. If you want to improve your focus and memory, don’t forget to incorporate Maxalife MX Brain Swift into your diet every day. Visit # # # Specializing in online marketing and generating traffic through effective communications, article writing, blogging and social media. End
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