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Follow on Google News | Mining Terminology – Acid Mine Water, Alloy, AgglomerateMining terminology relating to acid mine water, alloy, agglomerate, agglomeration, abutment, active workings, acid mine drainage, adit, advance, agitation, anemometer, ANFO
By: Manoj Sompura Being a leading player in mining and exploration, the name of Rachana Global can best be associated with all the mining and iron ore mining terminology. Rachana Global leverages its mining expertise to offer outstanding services for mining minerals and iron ore mining. Agglomeration: Abutment - In coal mining, (1) the weight of the rocks above a narrow roadway is transferred to the solid coal along the sides, which act as abutments of the arch of strata spanning the roadway; and (2) the weight of the rocks over a longwall face is transferred to the front abutment, that is, the solid coal ahead of the face and the back abutment, that is, the settled packs behind the face. Active workings - Any place in a mine where miners are normally required to work or travel and which are ventilated and inspected regularly. Acid mine water - Mine water that contains free sulfuric acid, mainly due to the weathering of iron pyrites. Acid mine drainage- Acidic run-off water from mine waste dumps and mill tailings ponds containing sulphide minerals. Also refers to ground water pumped to surface from mines. Adit - A nearly horizontal passage from the surface by which a mine is entered and dewatered is an adit. A blind horizontal opening into a mountain, with only one entrance. Advance - Mining in the same direction, or order of sequence; first mining as distinguished from retreat. Agglomerate - A breccia composed largely or entirely of fragments of volcanic rocks is generally referred as agglomerate. Agitation- In metallurgy, the act or state of being stirred or shaken mechanically, sometimes accomplished by the introduction of compressed air. This is called agitation. Alloy - A compound of two or more metals is known as alloy. Anemometer – An instrument used for measuring air velocity. ANFO - Acronym for ammoniumnitrate and fuel oil, a mixture used as a blasting agent in many mines. Angle of dip - The angle at which strata or mineral deposits are inclined to the horizontal plane is angle of dip. Angle of draw - In coal mine subsidence, this angle is assumed to bisect the angle between the vertical and the angle of repose of the material and is 20° for flat seams. For dipping seams, the angle of break increases, being 35.8° from the vertical for a 40° dip. The main break occurs over the seam at an angle from the vertical equal to half the dip. Angle of repose – Angle of repose is the maximum angle from horizontal at which a given material will rest on a given surface without sliding or rolling. Anomaly - Any departure from the norm which may indicate the presence of mineralization in the underlying bedrock. Anthracite coal - Of the four types of coal, anthracite is the hardest and contains the highest heat value. It is almost pure carbon and is used mainly for home heating and cooking. In some developing countries, it is also used for industrial purposes. Arching - Fracture processes around a mine opening, leading to stabilization by an arching effect. Assay - A chemical test performedon a sample of ores or minerals to determine the amount of valuable metals contained. Auger - A rotary drill that uses a screw device to penetrate, break, and then transport the drilled material like coal. Autogenous grinding - The process ofgrinding ore in a rotating cylinder using large pieces of the ore instead of conventional steel balls or rods. Auxiliary operations - All activities supportive of but not contributing directly to mining. Equipped with latest technological mining equipments, Rachana Global Excavation Ltd. is one of the best natural resources mining company that is involved in natural resouces exploration and mining. Always finding new avenues to dig up, Rachana Global employs best of its exploration, extraction and mining services for achieving commercial success. Rachana Engaged in natural resources exploration, mineral mining, coal mining, iron ore mining, gold mining, titanium mining, fluorite mining, mining minerals, mining coal in Colombia, Zambia, Congo and Indonesia. SEO services provided by Jigney Bhachech, CEO, Opal Infotech, India. this is more information for visit # # # Rachana Engaged in natural resources exploration, mineral mining, coal mining, iron ore mining, gold mining, titanium mining, mining fluorite, mining minerals in Mozambique, Colombia, Zambia, Congo and Indonesia. End