Kimi Grow Taller - Grow Taller and Increase Height With Yoko Or Kimi

Is it possible to grow with Yoko or Kimi shoe soles? The answer is that yes, there is a possibility.
By: Grow Taller Expert
Dec. 9, 2010 - PRLog -- Kimi Grow Taller

Is it possible to grow with Yoko or Kimi shoe soles? The answer is that yes, there is a possibility. And as you notice, we use the word possibility. Because fact is, a few people have grown and many have not, from using Yoko or Kimi grow taller shoe soles. The key word here is the possibility of growing taller.

Truthfully, 85% of people did not experience any difference. So, it is entirely up to you to weigh your grow taller options. But bear in mind 15% of people actually had some growth. It is up to you to take the chance and who knows... you might be one of lucky few who can grow taller. The ones that grew, they had various height increase - ranging from a few cm to a few inches.

So, what is Kimi and Yoko? They are the scientifically developed height increasing device that gives some height potential for those who want to grow taller. They are the same product, but with different packaging from different manufacturers. Of the few who had some growth, it was because of these reasons:

1. Growth Hormones
YOKO stimulates the nerve points of your feet's sole. This stimulation of the pituitary gland leads to increased production of growth hormones. Increased production of growth hormones means potential growth of the cartilaginous portions of the vertebrae and the bones in the lower body. Bear in mind, the younger you are, the better your chances of growing taller. Get Internet #1 - Kimi Grow Taller @ with simple steps to do at home!

2. Extension of Spine
If you are a grown adult, your bones are probably not going to grow by a lot, if indeed you do grow. But we thought that we should share a little information about your spine. There are 33 vertabrae in your spine and they are held together by ligaments. Out of this, 24 vertabrae are movable and is not fused together.

Located between each of these 24 vertebrae are cartilaginous pads called disks. The thickness of the disks determines the length of the spinal column and directly influences your height. Since these disks are non-fusible cartilages, they might grow thicker under the stimulation of growth hormone. The thicker those disks are, the longer your spinal column is and that means giving you more height.

Even if most of your bones can't grow much longer, the articular cartilages that connect many bones in your body can still grow thicker. So yes, there is a possibility, but as we said earlier, the chances are slim and it is up to you to choose to take that chance.

3. Better Health
Well, if you do not succeed in gaining any height, then at the very least, the stimulation/"massage" to your feet will increase overall blood circulation, improve digestion, increase metabolism, reduce tiredness, and promote better health. These are the same benefits that you will get from reflexology.

We choose to sell Kimi and Yoko because we think that other options such as growth hormone injection, pills or limb lengthening operation are dangerous and the risks are high. Yoko / Kimi is a safe and extremely affordable option to growing taller. Each pair of Kimi/Yoko costs US$25 only. That is one of the lowest prices around. So, it's a really low cost for those who wants to try to grow taller. Get Internet #1 - Kimi Grow Taller @ with simple steps to do at home!

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Laughed for being Short? No Confidence in front of Friends?
Get Internet #1 - Kimi Grow Taller @ with simple steps to do at home!
Source:Grow Taller Expert
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Tags:Vitamins For Growing Taller, How To Grow Hight, Buy Grow Taller 4 Idiots, Kimi Height Increase, Kimi Grow Taller
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