Investing Alternatively launches new platform for teak and tropical forestry plantations up for sale

The launch of the new internet bulletin platform Investing Alternatively allows to quickly and efficiently post teak and tropical tree plantations, properties, lands or planted trees up for sale
Teak Trees
Teak Trees
Jan. 3, 2011 - PRLog -- See

A Boom of New Teak Plantations
New plantations of teakwood are experiencing a boom recently, as a supply gap is expected in quality tropical hardwoods produced under responsible forestry management criteria as required by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Also many plantations qualify as being a green investment, aiding the reforestation efforts, carbon capture and allow the regeneration of parts of the lands to regrow into natural forest after the first growth cycle. In addition an increasing number of institutional investors are interested in tropical forestry opportunities to benefit from the attractive long-term return potential and positive diversification benefits on their portfolios. Especially institutional investors are ready to plant large quantities of new trees. However, teak trees can be quite an illiquid investment as the hardwood requires 20 - 25 years till final harvest. Thus interested investors must prepare themselves for a lot of stamina and patience while most likely their personal circumstances will change during such a long term investment horizon. For prospective buyers, investing in an existing plantation rather than a pure Greenfield project can reduce risk and shorten the investment horizon significantly. Important assumptions such as the soil quality of the site, the plantation strategy have been tested and validated, thus aiding to reduce investors risk. For these reasons it is important that interested buyers and sellers of teak plantations can be matched, allowing a better functioning of the market and thus encourage additional investment in sustainable and responsible managed tropical tree farms.

The Information Platform for Teak and Tropical Forestry Investors
Investing Alternatively helps prospective buyers to stay updated on suitable new opportunities in teak and tropical timber up for sale. Search criteria can be saved individually and prospective buyers receive immediate notification about new opportunity matching their search parameters. Sellers can quickly post their opportunities with Investing Alternatively and can increase their chances of selling the teak or tropical forestry plantations, properties, farms or planted trees.

Interested investors in teak and tropical forestry projects are offered for the first time an easy way to obtain relevant market pricing data on teak and tropical forestry properties up for sale. Key pricing information such as price per hectare or price per tree can be easily compared among the various opportunities. This should aid investors to reduce the risk of paying an excessive price for such investments.

See for more information.

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Investing Alternatively (IA) is an information bulletin platform for teak and tropical forestry investors which allows to post teak plantations, farms, properties, planted trees or other tropical forestry projects up for sale

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