Horning Honors Albright With Combat-Flown American Flag

Horning thanks Albright with flag and certificate
Jan. 11, 2011 - PRLog -- BURLINGTON, N.C. – Army helicopter pilot David Horning honored
National Agents Alliance and its president
and chief executive officer Andy Albright with a flag
flown Oct. 23 during combat in Afghanistan as part of operation Enduring Freedom and
Task Force Lighthorse.

Horning  mailed the flag to
thank Albright, his wife, Jane and the National Agents Alliance staff for a large
care package sent to him while overseas. Horning received National Agents Alliance’s
first American Military Heroes recognition in March, 2010. The campaign is designed
to show support and appreciation to Americans who are actively serving in the
military by sending care packages and notes of gratitude overseas.
In addition to the flag, Albright was presented with a certificate of authenticity
stating that the flag was presented with great pride and honor from the pilots and
crew chiefs of Alpha Company “Assassins” 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd
Aviation Regiment and 3rd Infantry Division. The certificate stated that the flag
flew during 2.5 hours of combat aboard an AH-64D Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter,
aircraft #02-052330, on an aerial escort and security mission in support of
coalition forces fight against the enemies of the United States. It was also signed
by Horning, CW2 Co-Pilot/Gunner, and CW2 Pilot-in-Command Melissa Huber and included a pictures of the two pilots holding the flag in front of their helicopter.

“When I opened the box Dave sent us I got excited because you just don’t get
something like that every day,” said Albright, who plans to display the flag and
certificate prominently at the NAA headquarters in Burlington, N.C. “To have a flag
that was actually flown in battle is amazing and I can’t thank Dave and all our
military personnel for their service. They go out and protect our freedoms every day
and we should never take that for granted. I can’t wait to thank Dave in person.”
Horning, who was honored by The Livingston County Daily Press & Argus as one of its
“Most Intriguing People” of 2010 , said he wanted to thank the Albrights and National Agents Alliance for sending a package that was much needed.

“Andy and his wife had sent us a really nice care package and I was able to share it
with everybody in my group and I just wanted to thank them for their support,” said
Horning, 32. “That was why I did it. I’ve been surprised at the reaction I’ve gotten
to them and I was flying as many as I could. It’s been very humbling to see the
emotional responses.”

During the year he spent in Afghanistan, Horning said his team’s base mission was to
serve as quick reaction force to ground troops engaged in battle. This was Horning’s
second tour in Afghanistan, in addition to a tour in Iraq and service at Guantanamo
Bay. Horning is currently stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Ga.
“This deployment versus the others was a little easier as far as day-to-day things,”
Horning said. “Each one has provided challenges, but living conditions were more
established this time. I had access to things like showers and hot meals all the
time, where on the other two I never knew what was coming next. In the others, I
slept in a Humvee or had to eat MREs.”

Horning is the son of Mark and Kathie Horning, who said they were more than proud of
their son’s service. “It’s not a little thing that National Agents Alliance does by sending those care packages; it’s a huge,” Mark Horning said. “It’s so appreciated by our troops. I know any family member that has someone in the military has to see that and appreciate what NAA has done and is doing to recognize and support our country’s efforts and the people that are doing it.”

“The flag David sent to Andy is a reminder of the sacrifices our soldiers are
willing to make for us. I know our country is in good hands because of the people
serving. A lot of people worry about our country but I don’t because of our
soldiers. They are concerned enough to protect our way of life. Just seeing that
flag reminds me of the young people protecting us. It’s an awesome thing for them to
think that much of our flag and to protect our freedoms. People need to thank those
guys more than we do and I’ve made it a point now to go out of my way to thank
veterans when I see them.”

Kathie Horning said her son has been a daredevil since he was a little boy.
“He told us he didn’t want a boring desk job and that he wanted to see the world,”
Kathie Horning said. “He’s done that and Mark and I are so proud of everything he’s

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serving middle-income families, National Agents Alliance is the No. 1 United States
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more than 670,000 families successfully apply for more than $78 billion in life
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For more information about National Agents Alliance, visit
http://www.nationalagentsalliance.com or
call 1-866-752-1163.

For additional information on this topic, please call Mac Heffner at 336.227.3319
x189 or email Mac at mheffner@naaleads.com.

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National Agents Alliance is one of the largest associations of agents and agencies of its kind. With representatives in all 50 states our annual financial services sales are over $100 million.
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