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Follow on Google News | Autism Speaks Org - What Causes Autism?Most Americans know very little about Autism, but they should no more, as it is one of the most serious issues our Nation now faces. What causes Autism you ask?
By: Autism Expert Most Americans know very little about Autism, but they should no more, as it is one of the most serious issues our Nation now faces. What causes Autism you ask? Well, it turns out that is 6.4 Billion Dollar question, the reality is that we don't quite know for sure. Yes, there are plenty of suspected culprits, such as the Mercury in vaccines, which you have probably heard about. Then there are questions of frequency pollution from such things like radars, cell phone towers and even pre-natal ultrasound use. Scientists suspect there is also a genetic component as well or at least issues with susceptibility from environmental affects, which also makes sense. Then there may be some correlation between the introduction of anti-depression drugs and the increases in the rates of Autism. Each of these suspected causes have scientific research papers backing their claims, along with other scientific research papers denying these causes. And as if all that was not enough there are studies that show that diet has a lot to do with the severity of Autism and behavioral issues associated. Try Internet #1 - Autism Speaks Org @ and live your family life normally right now! Some scientists have proposed a theory that Autism is the human brain going through an evolutionary process. In fact there are so many theories to its cause, that it becomes pretty confusing for parents. There is currently no known cure for Autism although someday there most likely will be, today, there are only treatments, which make Autism livable for families involved and the individuals who have it. Now then, why would anyone call this the 6.4 Billion Dollar Question? Perhaps because that is the amount of money in research it will most likely take to figure it all out. Proportionally speaking Autism receives far less funding than other challenges we face. In fact, did you know that Autism effects one in every 150 children born in the United States, it is a very serious issue and one which must be dealt with. It is costing millions of dollars in each school system every single year. Some estimates place the cost to properly care for and educate an Autistic child around $85,000 per year, obviously more than most middle class families can afford and more than most taxpayers wish to allot. Try Internet #1 - Autism Speaks Org @ and live your family life normally right now! # # # Worry about your child’s future? Not sure what to do to help? Try Internet #1 - Autism Speaks Org @ and live your family life normally right now! End
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