That UNEXPECTED, Animal Visitor The Bear, When Backpacking, Hiking or Camping @

When backpacking keep this unexpected unwanted animal visitor at a {distance}. Stand still and Keep your distance. If you see a bear from a long distance (greater than 300 feet), leave the area immediately.
By: ldw331
Feb. 7, 2011 - PRLog -- Bears are among nature’s most majestic creatures, and seeing one in the wild is an unforgettable experience. Get too close, however, and your encounter with a bear can be more terrifying than awe.  As humans’ continue Backpacking Hiking and Camping in “bear country," attacks on people are rare, and fatalities are even rarer. Still, bears are immense, powerful wild animals, and any meeting between bears and humans can potentially turn deadly. Do you know what to do if you find yourself face to face with a bear?

If you can prevent an encounter with a bear, as luck would have it, bears are they reclusive creatures, and  generally prefer to stay away from humans. Help them to do so by announcing your presence when you’re Backpacking Hiking or Camping make some noise, sing, or carry "bear bells" so bears have time to run from you. Read up on their behavior, be sure to heed local bear advisories and practice proper food storage techniques go backpacking hiking or camping in open areas so that a bear can see you (or you can see it) from a distance. If camping with pets keep them leashed, if you see bear tracks, leave the area. Avoid surprising a bear.

If you need to continue on with your backpacking, make a wide circle around the bear. Trying not to disturb him, doing so calmly and quietly, when far enough away make noise to prevent future chance of surprise or attack. If you happen upon a bear unexpected and he sees you, begin speaking in a low, calm voice and backup slowly, keeping an eye on the bear but do not look directly in the bears eyes. This is to let it know that you are non-threatening, and that you are leaving its territory.

Standing still and  tall, even if the bear charges you. Or if the bear sees you and is closer than 300 feet, and if the bear is approaches you, remain calm and try to look as large as your possibly can. Stand your ground and (try not) to look scared.  Backing away slowly do not run and speak softly. If the bear continues to approach as you back away, stop and stand your ground. Speak more loudly in a deep, calm voice, and wave you arms to make yourself look bigger. Keep an eye on the bear, but avoid direct eye contact, this can be interpreted as a challenge by the bear.  If the bear charges you, stand still and stay where you are, the charge is most likely a bluff, and if you stand your ground the bear will usually turn away.

Knowing about bears one of those unwanted animal visitors,one the first steps you take to survive an encounter with a bear will depend some what on the type of bear it is and what region it comes from.  An unwanted animal visitor called the Black bear are typically smaller (up to 400 lbs.) and roam freely in most national forest where humans do a lot of backpacking hiking and camping. If you see bear tracks, a black bears’ claw marks will be quite close to the paw imprint.

First, if a bear appears to be stalking you (disappearing and reappearing, for example), or if a bear attacks at night, it most likely sees you as food, and any attack will be predatory. If you surprise a bear on the trail, if the bear has cubs, or if the bear is eating from or protecting a dead carcass, the bear will most likely be acting in self-defense.

(In the past, bear experts recommended that one fall to the ground in a fetal position but researchers have since proven that doing this only allows the bear to easily flip over the human in question.) To play dead, lie flat on the ground protecting your vital parts with the ground, and your arms protecting your neck with your hands laced behind the neck. Keep your legs together and do not struggle. Once the bear leaves your immediate vicinity, wait several minutes before carefully looking to see if the bear is still around. A bear may look back and may return if it sees you moving.
If the bear is a black bear, Hit the bear with rocks, pots, pans, sticks or fists—anything handy. The odds may seem against you in a fight, but bears generally do not see humans as prey, and a bear that makes a predatory attacks is usually immature, starving, or wounded, and may easily be scared away if you hit it.

While a bear standing on its back legs seems very intimidating, this is usually a gesture of curiosity, and the bear is simply trying to get a much better look at you.

When backpacking hiking or camping carry some bear spray,bear spray is actually pepper spray in a specially designed container, and it has proven to be an excellent discouraging factor for that unwanted animal visitor. You will need to wait until the un- invited animal visitor the bear is actually close to you, (about 15-20 feet), before you effectively deploy it. Be careful, though. A direct spray towards the face is the best way it is possible to deter a bear. Generally, you will only get one chance at this, therefore make it to your best shot.

Don't keep food in your tent while camping . Always use proper food canisters or even hang your food in a tree.You will find products known as "bear proof " containers used just for this purpose, also remember that most types of bear are excellent climbers.

#Tips For Safe Backpacking!

If you have a Gun, use it to save your life, if needed and only if you are truly in serious danger. If it comes down to it use the Gun . If you must shoot a bear, wait until it is close (30 or 40 feet at most), and aim for the low neck or head area.    

If you’re wearing a large backpack, the pack will add some protection to your vital areas, if you are attacked and you can lie on your stomach with your hands clasped behind your neck. Use your legs and elbows to try to prevent the bear from flipping you over, but do not struggle. If you look dead and harmless, a defensive bear will usually leave you alone.

Bears are attracted to smells, so keep all your trash together and don't keep it near where you are sleeping. Be sure to stow or dispose of properly of any medical supplies or hygiene products that have blood on them. Using Zip lock bags will provide some containment.

Many backpackers like to walk with small bells tied to their feet, but many bear experts say this is not as good as talking, singing or clapping loudly as you walk. Bears are a lot more likely to recognize you as human by your voice than by a bell.
If possible, walk downwind that is, with your back to the wind. Let your scent alert any bears to your presence.

Be very careful when camping with pets some parks recommend that you leave Rover at home. A barking dog does all the things that are most likely to infuriate a bear and, if they encounters a bear, when camping with pets they might actually run back to you for help with an angry bear in pursuit!
Whenever you go into the woods, make sure someone know where you are going, and take a  phone. Do not feed the unwanted animal visitors when your backpacking, hiking or Camping.This will train bears to associate humans with an easy food supply and leads them to lose their fear of humans.

A few WARNINGS to consider these are to never get between a mother bear and her cubs. Do not attempt to take any pictures of bear cubs or follow the bear cubs into the woods.Avoid spending time near bears’ food sources, walking near animal carcasses, or berry patches, and fishing from a stream will increases your chance of meeting a bear too.

Bear spray is an effective deterrent, but the scent of its resin can actually attract bears. Discard empty bear spray containers, and DO NOT spray a perimeter around the campsite with pepper spray as a preventative measure for those unwanted unwelcome animal visitor thinking it will help. Do not spray into the wind either, If its a windy day, try to avoid using bear spray,because the wind could blow the pepper spray into your eyes  potentially blinding you temporarily, giving the bear an edge on you.At night, always walk with a flashlight.

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Tags:Backpacking Store, Unexpected Unwanted Animal Visitor, Camping With Pets, Tips For Safe Backpacking, Mountain Backpacking
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Location:Cleveland - Tennessee - United States
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Page Updated Last on: Feb 16, 2011

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