Publisher Offers Clearance House Pricing on Forex Frontier Book in Anticipation of Revised Second...Merritt House Publishing Inc. is offering a substantial discount on the limited remainder of inventory of the recently published book, Forex Frontiers: The Essentials of Currency Trading by author Ivan Cavric.
Torornto, On.---Merritt House Publishing Inc. is offering a substantial discount on the limited remainder of inventory of the recently published book, Forex Frontiers: The Essentials of Currency Trading by author Ivan Cavric. The publisher along with the author, have made some minor revisions for the next printing of the book that will be made available in both hard and soft cover. The hard cover book regularly sells for $64.95 USD but is now available for only $14.95 USD. This price includes shipping and handling within North America and the offer is extended to the limited existing inventory from the first printing. Forex Trading has witnessed amazing volume growth since currencies were permitted to float against each other. This market had a daily turnover of $5 billion in 1977 which has now increased to $3 trillion per day. There have been a number of major contributing factors to this staggering growth including Business Internationalization, Traders Sophistication, Corporate Interest Increases, Telecommunications Developments and Interest Rate Volatility. The book is an excellent resource tool for the Forex trader providing unique ideas and strategies in simple every- day language. You can take advantage of this offer and obtain a copy of the book by visiting the publisher’s website at As an additional bonus you can sign up for a free Forex demo account at the website while ordering. About Merritt House Publishing and Media Merritt House Publishing Inc. is a full service print and broadcast advertising agency specializing in providing AFFORDABLE advertising for small to medium-sized business. Their work with exceptional video production companies, unique graphic design artists, and advanced website developers ensures clients the highest quality of media at an affordable price. We offer many different avenues of publishing and advertising, including several multimedia options. # # # About Merritt House Publishing and Media Merritt House Publishing Inc. is a full service print and broadcast advertising agency specializing in providing AFFORDABLE advertising for small to medium-sized business. Their work with exceptional video production companies, unique graphic design artists, and advanced website developers ensures clients the highest quality of media at an affordable price. We offer many different avenues of publishing and advertising, including several multimedia options. Contact: Kathy Bassi Merritt House Media 905-732-6333 Photo: End