EvoSpot - All-in-one Internet Cyber Cafe Software + WiFi HotSpot Solution.

EvoSpot - The ultimate cybercafe timer and managing solution for Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe / Gaming Cafe / WiFi HotSpot / Online MMORPG Games Center. All-in-one Internet Cyber Cafe Software + WiFi HotSpot Solution.
Feb. 28, 2011 - PRLog -- EvoSpot : The ultimate timer and managing solution for Internet Cafe / Cyber Cafe / Gaming Cafe / WiFi HotSpot / Online MMORPG Games Center.
Cyber Internet Cafe Software

   EvoSpot is a software solutions for the operation of an Internet Cafe, Cyber Cafe, Gaming Center, Internet Center or PC rental system. Designed primarily for billing  Internet Cafe business and also controls the PCs on your intranet. System functions and user interface has been designed to be easy to use with little or no experience in the computer industry. The software allows you to set up various marketing plans for each user to choose from.

   MyCafeCup is Client / Server application which allows you to manage, control and monitor easily all client machines status remotely from the Server in on-line and in real time. Administrators can just monitor or manage the things at clients easier from the server, such as shutdown, reboot, Wake-up on LAN, force the user to log-out, see the running applications, Remote Virtual Desktop, etc ....

   MyCafeCup has a comprehensive high security to prevent the un-authorized users access to your client computers, so just grant access to your customer individually. By creating username/password accounts with the ability to charge the user in various terms (Pre-paid , Post-paid, on-demand usage, etc..).

HotSpot Timer Software    
   EvoSpot is supplement Wi-Fi software of MyCafeCup Platinum and sold separately.  It creates a HotSpot integrated to MyCafeCup Platinum and enhances your store services for various devices of your customers such as notebook, PDA, or mobile phone to gain access the Internet. EvoSpot allows you to control, manage and meter Internet access time by using the account created by MyCafeCup Platinum. EvoSpot provides ultimate service both LAN PC’s and Wi-Fi devices for your customers satisfaction and also generate more income for your store. (More information)

Cyber Internet Cafe Software / Internet Cyber Cafe Software / WiFi HotSpot Cafe : MyCafeCup - safer take control of your internet cybercafe. Explore to get the new cybercafe management strategies, flexible marketing plans, billing and more easily than ever. MyCafeCup has many unique features optimized for PC rental / Internet Connection rental business. Download MyCafeCup now, then you will get much more of your free time.

MyCafeCup is a software solutions for the operation of an Internet Cyber Cafe, WiFi HotSpot or PC rental system. Designed primarily for Cyber Internet Cafe business and also can be used to control the PCs on your intranet. System functions and user interface has been designed to be easy to use with little or no experience in the computer industry. The software allows you to set up various marketing plans for each user to chose from.

MyCafeCup is Client / Server application which allows you to easily manage and monitor all client machines status remotely from the Server in on-line and in real time. Administrators can just monitor or manage the things at clients easier from the server, such as shutdown, reboot, force the user to log-out, see the running applications, etc ��.

MyCafeCup has a high security to prevent the un-authorized users access to your client computers, so just grant access to your customer individually. By creating username/password accounts with the ability to charge the user in various terms.

We invite you to have a look at all that MyCafeCup has to offer. Download a copy of the evaluation edition and check out all the features.

Do not forget to check our news page for news and up to date information about our products.

Visit : http://MyCafeCup.com

True All-in-one Internet Cafe + WiFi HotSpot software solution.

Kessaħ: All-in-one Internet Café + Wifi HotSpot Solution.

Cyber Café Internet Software / Internet Cyber Café Software / Wifi HotSpot Café: MyCafeCup - sikuri jieħdu kontroll ta ��cybercafe internet tiegħek. Jesploraw li jiksbu l-ġestjoni ġdida cybercafe strateġiji, pjanijiet flessibbli marketing, l-kontijiet u b��mod aktar faċli minn qatt qabel. MyCafeCup għandu ħafna karatteristiċi uniċi ottimizzati għal PC kiri / kiri Internet Connection negozju. Download MyCafeCup issa, allura int se tingħata ħafna aktar ta ��ħin liberu tiegħek.

MyCafeCup huwa soluzzjonijiet ta ��software għall-operazzjoni ta�� Internet Cyber Café, Wifi HotSpot jew PC kiri sistema. Maħsuba primarjament għal Cyber Internet Café negozju u jistgħu wkoll jintużaw biex jikkontrollaw il-PCs fuq tiegħek intranet. Sistema funzjonijiet u user interface hija maħsuba biex tkun faċli għall-użu bi ftit jew ebda esperjenza fil-kompjuter industrija. L-software jippermetti inti biex iwaqqfu pjanijiet varji tal-marketing għal kull utent li jagħżel minn.

MyCafeCup huwa Client / Server applikazzjoni li jippermettilek malajr jamministraw u jimmonitoraw kollha client magni status remotament minn Server f��kontrolli fuq linja u fil-ħin reali. Amministraturi jew tista ��sempliċement monitor tamministra l-affarijiet iktar faċli klijenti mis-server, bħall-għeluq, reboot, seħħ l-utent għal log-out, ara l-applikazzjonijiet ġiri, eċċ ��.

MyCafeCup għandu livell għoli ta ��sigurtà sabiex jipprevjenu l-un-aċċess għall-utenti awtorizzati lit client computers, hekk biss jagħtu aċċess għall-klijenti tiegħek individwalment. Billi joħolqu username Bil-username/password kontijiet mal-ħila jiċċarġjaw-utent f��diversi termini.

Aħna nistednuk biex tieħu agħti ħarsa lejn dak kollu li għandha x��toffri MyCafeCup. Download kopja ta ��l-evalwazzjoni Verżjoni check out u l-karatteristiċi kollha.

M��għandekx tinsa check tagħna aħbarijiet page aħbarijiet u aġġornata dwar prodotti tagħna.


True kollha fil-wieħed Internet Café + Wifi HotSpot software soluzzjoni.

クール:オールインワンのインターネットカフェ+ WiFiホットスポットソリューション

インターネットカフェサイバーソフトウェア/インターネットサイバーカフェソフトウェ/ WiFiホットスポットカフェ�?MyCafeCup -安全なインターネットのサイバーカフェの配権を握る。新しいインターネットカフェ経営戦略を得るにはこちら、柔軟なマーケィング計画、課金、よ �?簡単にこれまで以上�?MyCafeCup多くのユニクな機能をパソコンのレンタル用に最適化/インターネット接続のレンタル事業がありま �?MyCafeCup今すぐダウンロードし、あなたはなたの自由な時間を得るでしょう�?lt;/p>

サイバーMyCafeCupは、インターネットカフェ�?WiFiホットスポットやパソコンのレンタルシテムの運営するためのソフトウェアソリュションです。サイバーインターネットカフ事業を中心に、デ�?インも、イントラネッ上のPCを制御するために使用することがでます。システムの機能やユーザーインターェイスは、コンピュータ業界での経験がほ んどあるいは全く使用して簡単にできるように設計されています。このソフトウェアを使用する各ユーザーから選択できるための様々なマーケティングプラン �?設定することができます�?lt;/p>




真のオールインワンのインターネットカフェ+ WiFiホットスポットのソフトウェアソリューョンを提供します�?lt;/p>

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EvoSpot WiFi Timer is designed for the internet access business places such as Internet cafes, coffee shops, apartments, hotel lobby/lounge/ business centers, guest houses, restaurants, resorts, clubs, game centers or any Wi-Fi Internet access places.
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