MCL Reconstruction Using Anatomical Technique
March 10, 2011 -
PRLog -- The Steadman Philippon Research Institute (visit:, a world leader in orthopedic sports medicine research and education, has developed and scientifically validated a novel reconstruction technique for MCL tears and injuries. The institute claims that while many forms of MCL knee treatment for this specific injury are available today, their technique using an anatomic reconstruction is the most effective for long-term viability. An anatomic reconstruction replaces torn structures with tissue at their anatomical attachments points.
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is located on the inner side of the knee joint and represents one of the four major ligaments within the knee. MCL tears and injuries and other conditions associated with medial knee stabilizers occur in about 24% of the knee injuries reported in the United States in any given year. These MCL tears and injuries occur predominantly in young athletic patients partaking in sporting activities, with the injury involving contact to the outside of the knee, external rotation, or combined force impacts seen in such sports as skiing, ice hockey, and soccer where knee flexion is present.
Biomechanical Researchers at SPRI (visit: confirmed that an anatomic medial knee (MCL) reconstruction technique can restore native stability to the knee that has an acute or chronic medial knee injury (such as in the case with a medial collateral ligament injury). Through biomechanical testing, researchers evaluated the precise position and mechanics of the ligaments in healthy knees. The reconstruction technique can use a tendon from the patient (also referred to as an autograft) to reconstruct the injured ligament by placing it in the exact anatomically correct location. This aspect is important because in many foreign countries, where tissue banks do not exist, an autograft procedure provides a practical approach. SPRI developed this MCL reconstruction technique with the goal of making it possible for orthopedists around the world to perform the surgery with available resources. The procedure can also be performed with an allograft, which is tissue that has been harvested from a cadaver.
This anatomic procedure provides a viable option for patients that may require surgery and has been validated for superior outcome because it is stronger, conforms better with the other structures of the knee and provides the same dynamic range of motion that the natural ligament allowed.
Dr. Robert LaPrade (visit:, complex knee injury surgeon and Director of the Biomechanical Department at the Steadman Philippon Research Institute, along with Deputy Director, Dr. Coen Wijdicks, recently published their findings relating to the medial collateral ligament in various peer-reviewed journals. They, along with their colleagues at SPRI, continue to push the envelope as leading researchers of anatomic restoration, preservation and reconstruction techniques for joints.
More information can be found at
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The Steadman Philippon Research Institute is a nonprofit organization in Vail, CO seeking to keep people physically active late into life through pioneering orthopedic research and education into the cause, prevention, treatment of orthopedic disorders.