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Follow on Google News | Alcohol Cravings Medication - Stop Drinking and Reduce Alcohol CravingsAlthough there do exist links between what you actually eat and cravings for alcohol, the food issue is not a short cut in helping us to stop drinking alcohol as other changes such as medical treatment and dietary supplements are necessary.
By: Alcohol Quitter Although there do exist links between what you actually eat and cravings for alcohol, the food issue is not a short cut in helping us to stop drinking alcohol as other changes such as medical treatment and dietary supplements are necessary. There is quite a lot of research that backs up the fact that nutritional supplements do have a beneficial effect when people stop drinking alcohol. To just give you a better idea, it has been established that the B-complex vitamins as well vitamins A,C,D and E really do make a difference during alcohol withdrawal. Another important finding has been that cutting out sugar and caffeine can also reduce cravings for alcohol. When we refer to sugars, we also mean desserts, cakes, candy and fizzy drinks. Fruit and juices should also been taken in small doses and cut back on your sugar in tea and coffee. Learn Internet #1 - Alcohol Cravings Medication @ and find out how you can Quit Drinking Alcohol immediately! When it comes to caffeine, well it means no coffee and no tea unless it is decaffeinated and chocolate too falls into this category, so just a few squares a week if you really get desperate. It is curious too that both simple sugars and caffeine affect the blood sugar regulation as the controlling of the blood sugar level has been linked to the reduction of alcohol (sugar) SS cravings. All in all if you can kick sugar and caffeine then half the battle is won to reduce alcohol craving. The other important step to take is to make sure you are taking on a lot of nutrient-rich foods so that body really does feel good and you have full strength both mentally and physically, and also internally so that your liver can deal with the detoxification processes. From our point of view the only way to achieve a complete nutrient rich diet is to eat as healthy as possible as these the the food that most contain the all important nutrients. Another reason for this is that alcohol depletes our body's nutrients so we need to stock up again and get back into being healthy again. Learn Internet #1 - Alcohol Cravings Medication @ and find out how you can Quit Drinking Alcohol immediately! # # # Sick and Tired of your drinking habits, can’t control your life anymore? Learn Internet #1 - Alcohol Cravings Medication @ and find out how you can Quit Drinking Alcohol immediately! End