The Conservative Party Nominates Obama for Second Nobel Peace Prize

Obama has committed America to yet another war in the Muslim world when our military and national budget are already stretched to the limit in every sense.
March 23, 2011 - PRLog -- March 22, 2011

The Conservative Party Nominates Obama for Second Nobel Peace Prize
Based on the impulsive way the Nobel Committee awarded Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize after he served just two months in office, perhaps America’s direct involvement in yet another war will spur the Nobel Committee to grant him a second Peace Prize . . . seems only fair.

Despite having a crushing $14 Trillion national debt, a $1.5 Trillion annual budget deficit, a dire 15.9% unemployment rate (using the real but still underestimated u6 rate) and a looming financial drain to help Japan, Obama has committed America to yet another war in the Muslim world when our military and national budget are already stretched to the limit in every sense. Perhaps the Committee should also consider giving Obama another Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences since he’s driving the U.S. into insolvency.

While railing against all things military during his 2008 campaign, Obama just asked the dealer for an extra card when he should have stood pat on 20. Instead, he bet $115 Million on cruise missiles that will kill civilians living near Libya’s air defense installations so we can protect . . . civilians. It looks like Obama believes that old adage “You can’t make an omelet unless you break some eggs.” In other words, the U.S. can’t protect civilians unless we kill civilians. Obama’s first Peace Prize gave him political cover to kill Muslims using: guns in Iraq; airplanes in Afghanistan; drones in Pakistan; and now cruise missiles in Libya. The Conservative Party thinks this is the perfect opportunity to give Obama another Peace Prize since he may soon invade Yemen and Bahrain since those dictators are also killing their civilians. At least he’s had two years to demonstrate he really deserves the Prize this time.

Picture this: John Kerry, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, the New York Times and the French Government all support this duplicitous attack. Conservatives understand what’s wrong with that picture.

Sad irony and sarcasm aside, the Conservative Party decries America’s involvement in yet ANOTHER war during these dismal economic times. America should NOT meddle in a civil war of an Arab country that has little strategic value and for which Congress was not officially consulted. None of those missiles and none of those coalition jet pilots will be able to discern the difference between pro-Gadhafi civilians or anti-Gadhafi civilians since they all have weapons. The U.S has no real idea who leads the rebels or their true political agenda; some of them have ties to Al Qaeda. Obama has no clear objective, no clear definition of victory and no clear exit strategy if Gadhafi remains in power.

Make no mistake that Gadhafi, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and all anti-American Muslims worldwide will not consider these attacks on Libya as an international humanitarian coalition trying to save civilians. Most of the world will consider the attacks as yet another example of America getting involved in another war in the Middle East that is killing more Muslims. And using French or British approval for an excuse won’t cut it.

H.M. Hervey Chairman
Conservative Party USA

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