Keith Springer Announces the Release of his Latest Critical Economic and Market Commentary

Keith Springer discusses how the end of QE2 creates a real dilemma and why the Fed may need to do a third stimulus to keep America from collapsing in his latest financial update newsletter.
April 12, 2011 - PRLog -- SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Keith Springer discusses why the Fed may need to do a third stimulus to keep America from collapsing.

Food and energy inflation has been a topic on the mind of countless Americans. Every time they go to the grocery store or put gas in their car, they see the effects of today’s inflation. Many are left to wonder what will happen when the Quantitative Easing programs, the Fed has put in place, expire.

According to Keith Springer, president of Springer Financial Advisors in Sacramento, CA, "The Fed’s in a pickle. Keep up with QE2, QE3 or another stimulus by another name and risk runaway inflation. End it, and risk the collapse of the economy which very likely cannot stand on its own."

Mr. Springer says the turmoil in the Middle East will continue to keep energy prices on the rise. He says, “Although it is difficult to estimate, rising energy prices will have a distinctly adverse impact on US GDP; the higher the price of oil, the larger the negative effect. In addition, higher energy prices will spur inflation both at the wholesale and consumer level, which at least in the short run will put additional upward pressure on interest rates.”

Though the government is working hard to keep consumers spending, Mr. Springer predicts most American’s are all spent out, therefore he believes Quantitative Easing will continue.

In addition to his work as an expert financial advisor, Keith provides customized mortgages and consulting for homeowners. This information can be found at To view more print and TV media interviews with Keith, visit and click the “in the news” link, email or call (916) 925-8900.

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About Springer Financial Advisors: Keith Springer is a financial planner, a market technician, a financial writer, founder of Top Down Tactical™ and President and founder of Springer Financial Advisors in Sacramento CA, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. He has developed a proprietary process for successfully building tax-efficient and retirement portfolios and has been providing specialty wealth management services for over 25 years.
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