National Algae Association Comments on New Grant Opportunities

The new funding opportunity announcements made by the Department of Energy and USDA amount to "too little and not fast enough."
April 20, 2011 - PRLog -- National Algae Association Executive Director Barry Cohen, in response to the recent DoE and USDA funding opportunity announcements, observed "At this point, we cannot be too encouraged by the perceived generosity of the Department of Energy and the USDA in announcing the recent grant opportunities.  The time lines in the applications must be considered, and, frankly, the algae production industry cannot wait until next fall and the passage of another federal budget to see what, if any, projects may, not will, be funded.  Algaepreneurs throughout the country are ready to build commercial-scale production plants but conventional funding sources are non-existent. Their options are to partner with companies in foreign countries or to seek investors.  I do not know whether I have more concern about those who are forced to look for relationships outside the US or those who are looking to the current US investment community, hiding behind well-worded disclaimers to try to raise the money needed to take commercial-scale algae production to the next level.  After all, isn't this all about getting the US off of foreign oil?"

Cohen continued, "John Hofmeister, former president of Shell Oil Company, summed it up well when, in a recent CNN interview, he said that we need 'political permission' to get off of foreign oil.  After over 50 years and over $2.5 billion in research, why do we now need permission?  Do we really want to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, become energy independent and create new jobs here in America or do we want to keep talking about it?

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NAA's mission is to fast track commercialization of algae as an alternative fuel to reduce US dependency on foreign oil and to create jobs in the US by putting algae researchers, algae growers, farmers and producers, and equipment manufacturers together

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