Keith Springer of Springer Financial Advisors Appears Live on CNBC

In live segment on CNBC, "What do stock traders want to hear from Mr. Bernanke?" Keith Springer discusses speech at the Federal Open Market Committee.
April 28, 2011 - PRLog -- SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Keith Springer discusses what traders want from the Federal Reserve during Ben Bernanke’s speech at the Federal Open Market Committee.

Larry Kudlow anchor for CNBC poses the question to Mr. Springer, “Do you expect to sell off and do you think Mr. Bernanke will clarify or confuse on the question of the dollar which is had so much to do with stocks, commodities and precious metals?”

"He's going to do both," said Keith Springer, president of Springer Financial Advisors in Sacramento, CA. "I think confuse and try to clarify. The big thing of the dollar, I don't think he cares so much about the dollar and so much more concerned of this country -- where it's going and what it wants to do."

“We have what we call the Bernanke tightrope walk,” Mr. Springer continues. He needs to continue some form of stimulus. I think the economy needs it. I think stocks want to see it and can't give so much to appear desperate or inflationary. He won't give it a name or call it QE3 but its quantitative easing and stimulus. If you get he's going to invest proceeds and maturities back into the bonds I think stocks will like it and see a rally. I guess he has to be vague enough so as not to be put in a corner.”

To view more print and TV media interviews with Keith, visit and click the “in the news” link, email or call (916) 925-8900.

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About Springer Financial Advisors:Keith Springer is a financial planner, a market technician, a financial writer, founder of Top Down Tactical™ and President and founder of Springer Financial Advisors in Sacramento CA, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. He has developed a proprietary process for successfully building tax-efficient and retirement portfolios and has been providing specialty wealth management services for over 25 years. He can be reached at 916-925-8900 or
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