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Follow on Google News | Apple iPad 2 vs Motorola Xoom vs Samsung Galaxy Tab - Get a FREE iPad 2, Xoom or Galaxy Tab online!Apple iPad 2 vs Motorola Xoom vs Samsung Galaxy Tab which table you like most? Get a FREE iPad 2, Xoom or Galaxy Tab online here!
By: In typical Apple fashion, they have made improvement the original iPad that have people wondering why they did not wait until the second release before spending upwards of $500 on the original device. The latest release addresses concerns many of the iPad buyers expressed. The new iPad 2 will more than likely cause a flood of iPads to go up for sale on eBay as everyone will want to have the latest and greatest Apple has to offer. Get a FREE iPad 2, Motorola Xoom or Samsung Galaxy Tab online - The one glaring omission from the original iPad was the lack of a camera. With so many netbooks offering this option, everyone wanted to know why Apple chose to delete it. Not only did Apple add a camera to its iPad 2, there are now two of them. There is a rear-facing camera that is perfect for recording video, while the front facing camera offers the same features as the camera on the iPhone 4. One of the latest crazes in laptops is custom shells, and the iPad 2 offers the same customization option for its users. The iPad 2 is only offered in black and white, but shells come in various pastels as well as standard colors. The covers attach magnetically to the device and are offered in both leather and polyurethane. While all of the flash is good, the real concern is what is actually under the hood. Users had complained of slower operating speeds, and Apple addressed this by installing a dual-core A5 chip into the latest release. Games should now run quicker as well as multiple applications not making the computer come to a grinding halt. Battery time remains outstanding, with about 10 hours of usage coming from every charge. Overall, Apple has made some very nice improvements to the second release of its iPad. While there are those of us that think the first edition was launched prematurely, there is no arguing that Apple seems to have gotten it right on the second try. Oddly enough, the new version is being offered at similar pricing to the original. This will more than likely have more than one iPad owner shaking their heads in disbelief and wondering why they simply could not wait another year to get the much-improved iPad 2. Get a FREE iPad 2, Motorola Xoom or Samsung Galaxy Tab online - # # # help you get a free iphone, ipad, ipod and free iphone accessories. Provide the best deal to buy cheap iphone, ipad and invisible shield the best phone screen protector. End
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