The Best Network Marketing Company

The Best Network Marketing Company, should be able to lead with their Product and not just their Compensation Plan. This benefits the non sales types, and people with no Network Marketing Experience. Revvnrg The Best Network Marketing Company.
By: Michael Cheryl
May 4, 2011 - PRLog -- The Best Network Marketing Company


Let’s start with our Body is made up of  70% water , and we consume mostly unhealthy beverages. Like soda, energy drinks, and so on. Which has been linked to weight gain, Diabets, high bood pressure? In comparison other countries who drink green tea have longer life expectancy rates, have longer expectancy rates, in addition green tea promotes well being, increase energy, metabolizes fats. With costs of health care, increasing risks of diabetes, obesity, what you drink can dramatically improve your health.

Green tea has been consumed throughout the world for over 5,000 years. While many enjoy the flavors, mental focus and smooth energy, there are many well-established health benefits to drinking green tea. The most significant benefit of green tea is derived from the antioxidants. According to a survey released by the United States Department of Agriculture in 2007,the mean content of flavonoids in a cup of green tea is higher than that in the same volume of other food and drink items that are traditionally considered of health contributing nature, including fresh fruits, vegetable juices or wine. Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals in most plant products that are responsible for such health effects as anti-oxidative and anticarcinogenic functions.[6] However, as a tea information site points out, the content varies dramatically amongst different tea products, basing on the same USDA survey.

Technically, Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is part of the evergreen family, but colloquially, it is know as a green tea. A University food science and nutrition professor found yerba mate tea to have more antioxidants than green tea. You may also know it as 'Jesuits' tea' or 'Paraguay tea'. Yerba Mate is most commonly enjoyed for its soothing effect on the spirit and mind. Others just enjoy it for the jitter-free energy and sharpened mental focus that it is said to provide. In many South American countries, Yerba Mate is consumed traditionally by passing around a small gourd cup with long metal filtered tube; most often between friends, family members and neighbors. Yerba Mate also has a long history of use worldwide. It is used for both physical and mental fatigue and a wide range of health benefits.

The açaí berry is dark purple in color and rich in a large number of healthy substances including those with antioxidant power. This berry grows without cultivation atop palm trees that dominate the Brazilian rainforests. The local people harvest the berries and use them to make a nutritious type of fruit pulp.As one of the Worlds' most potent super food, the acaí berry provides over 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine and all the beneficial fatty acids of olive oil in one delicious, all-natural package. Acai is rich in antioxidants; one in particular, anthocyanin, makes it very special. Anthocyanins are fascinating phytonutrients that gives açaí skins their rich, sultry color. Açaí provides a significantly broader spectrum of antioxidants than well-respected foods such as oranges, grapes and blueberries. An impressive volume of recent research argues that the compounds in acaí can provide a healthy body with all the support it needs for maintaining:

Just think a Network Marketing Company ( Revvnrg ) that has positioned itself right in the middle of a 105 Million Dollar Boom.

10 Billion Dollars a year in Energy Drinks.

15 Billion Dollars 1 year in Drink Water.

6 Billion Dollars in Tea.

34 Billion Dollars in Coffee.

Over 40 Billion Dollars in Weight Loss.

We all know times are tough, even when they are good it’s hard for us to make changes not alone when they are not so good.. But with Revvnrg you have the most cost effective, and a covenant way to improve your health and make some money along the way. Just by drinking Revvnrg you will be able to save money and improve your health at the same time. With the added bonus that you can make some money along the way by sharing with Revvnrg  with your family and friends.

Example: Typical Energy Drink Cost: $2.50 loaded with sugar, tauine, gurana. With Revvnrg simply add the covenant packet to water and you a ready to go. What could be simpler?

If you ever thought about or have been interested in Network Marketing you owe it to yourself to give  Revvnrg a look. we have a fantastic product, one of the best CEO'S in the Industry Scotty Paulson, and a Compensation plan that will blow you away.

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RevvNRG Drink is a all natural energy drink. Rev Energy Drink. How would you describe the best energy drink? It has to be a great tasting, good-for-you beverage that benefits your mind.
Source:Michael Cheryl
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Tags:The Best Network Marketing Company, Revvnrg, Weight Loss, Energy Drinks
Industry:Business, Health, Lifestyle
Location:Newport Beach - California - United States
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