ASTM+NAHB+CPSC=CDW Report Conflicts+No ASTM Standards=Consumers Feel Tainted Drywall Bail-Out ShaftOver five years of research, litigation, conflicting reports, conflicting guidelines, NO ASTM diagnosis guidelines, NO ASTM out-gassing standards, NO CPSC material re-call, and NO Insurance claim coverage, Consumers ask, WHY NO BAIL-OUT FOR ME ?
By: Michael S. Foreman May 10, 2011 - PRLog -- Consumers or should I say TAXPAYERS have funded numerous programs and bail-outs over the last several years, not to mention over 30 years ago, the Savings and Loan bail-out of the 1980's.
Accountability and full disclosure appear to be common threads, that have been lacking or non-existent, along with a major dose of complacency. Elected officials, professional politicians, lobbyist, business professionals, insurers, lawyers, court system, and compliance groups have all dropped the ball and left the Consumers and Taxpayers fending for themselves. Let's take a brief look at each group and see what has happened. ASTM - EPA - OSHA - CPSC - HUD - NAHB ASTM Emergency Work Group formed in October 2009 to establish simple Tainted Corrosive Drywall Analysis or Diagnostic Standard to confirm a structure is either infected or not infected. After 19 months of ASTM Emergency Status discussions, meetings, conference calls, and numerous ballots NO STANDARD To-Date from ASTM Emergency Work Group, but there's still hope, next year, ASTM may provide a Standard, that most groups, already have in-place and are actively using with accurate results. ASTM typically provides and establishes standards that define acceptable guidelines, that the world follows. After 60 plus months, NO ASTM Standard concerning acceptable and/or non-acceptable Residential corrosive out-gassing levels. Note: Chamber Testing per ASTM Standards, provides specific levels of corrosive out-gasssing vapors, but NO ASTM Standard exists to establish acceptable and/or non-acceptable levels. After 60 plus months, NO clear definition, cause, method, or chemical reaction source creating or originating corrosive out-gassing vapors, emitted from drywall or gypsum boards has been factually established, validated, and confirmed. After 60 plus months, NO EPA, OSHA, HUD, or CPSC Health Standard concerning current and future acceptable and/or non-acceptable corrosive out-gassing levels, for occupants exposed to the corrosive out-gassing vapors. Recent news releases, confirm NO future studies or research by CDC, HUD, EPA, OSHA, or CPSC, answering unknown long or short term tainted corrosive drywall Health effects is planned or budgeted. After over 60 months, NO clear, consistent, and definitive legal answers or rulings concerning Insurance claim denials, for Homeowners, Suppliers, Installers, and Contractors, based on "pollution exclusions, and defective material" policy exclusions has been established. After 40 years or more, No Residential EPA or OSHA corrosive out-gassing vapor standards concerning Homeowners or Occupants. CPSC abatement guidelines continue to change and shift, clearly from reports based on partial testing or findings, failing to follow standard Scientific protocols, and also failing to conform and agree with MDL Court findings, documentation, and expert testimony, further confusing, complicating, and creating chaos for Consumers, evaluating information to decide what specifically needs to be done, to correct their tainted corrosive drywall issue . NAHB testing and abatement findings favor questionable guidelines, that fail to provide any guarantee or future protection concerning Life Safety issues and unknown Health effects. Domestic drywall or gypsum board Manufacturers have been "AWOL ON DRYWALL" until recently, when National Gypsum established a web site to address questions concerning their products and manufacturing processes. SUMMARY - After over 60 months, NO consistent, established, tested, confirmed, validated and known Abatement Protocol, other than Judge Fallon's MDL Guidelines, requiring 100% removal of ALL original construction components, back to original rough interior framing condition and treatment to neutralize residual out-gassing compounds, prior to full replacement of all components, including a FINAL Clearance Test, with NO definitive ASTM Standard to establish what is acceptable and/or non-acceptable, further confirming NO specific and clearly defined abatement, treatment, and clearance testing guidelines exist, at this time. This confusion and lack of consensus from all agencies or groups, except Judge Fallon's MDL Court, further creates chaos or land-mines for Consumers to navigate through while analyzing and deciding on the correct and most cost effective abatement and treatment protocol to follow. Again, as stated in earlier Press Releases, Consumers find themselves asking ? Who do I trust ? What Abatement and Treatment Guideline protects, insures, confirms, and validates a correct abatement and treatment protocol, that solves or resolves my tainted corrosive drywall issue, and also provides answers covering guaranty, warranty, or Insurance, concerning future unknown issues, both construction related and Health related ??? Foreman and Associates, Inc. continues to answer these hard and detailed questions Consumers ask, that others either can not answer or do not want to answer. Please call or visit our web site ... Forensic Construction Consultants and Consumer Advocates for over 10 years, actively participating and educating Consumers concerning, Tainted Corrosive Drywall Investigation, since August 2008 Michael S. Foreman Forensic Construction Consultant # # # Foreman and Associates, a FULL service forensic construction consulting firm. Our firms Treatment Protocol for Tainted Corrosive Drywall commonly called Chinese Drywall has been validated, confirmed, tested, and documented as 100% successful. Our firms SNiPERĀ® Treatment Application Protocol affords Consumers the option of a Chinese Drywall Specific Insurance Policy, covering any future issues associated with not only Chinese Drywall or Tainted Corrosive Drywall, but also the future unknown out-gassing vapor residual issues End
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