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Follow on Google News | Who Took Your Happiness?"Soul Exchangers" - What makes you stop from being yourself or being happy? What makes you feel that you have to change yourself?
Why do people feel that we hurt each other? Are we really trying to hurt each other? What is your soul and heart trying to tell you? When is the last time you lied to your heart? Is that a necessary lie? Is it because of what people think about you? Why do people think that other's opinion is important enough that you obey to them? Where is your heart trying to go? Or is your heart just trying to make people satisfy? Your heart is waiting for you. It is your best friend . . . Stephanie Honda grew up in Japan and moved to the America when she was in high school. I could not speak English at all. She did not understand anything in school because of the language barrier. She thought that her life was over and she did not see a bright future because of this major transition. But this experience made her think – "Who I am?" and "What could I do to survive in this society?" Stephanie never thought that she could write a book in English. Never in her life did I think that was going to be happen. She would like to share her experience: that even a girl who never spoke English, could write a book and express what she felt to society. This book is a "wake up call" to people wondering, "What is Life" or "Who You Are," by seeing where the author came from. Life is wonderful, nothing is impossible! Stephanie Honda is the author of the new illustrated book "Soul Exchangers" (ISBN 9781929882625) # # # Biographical Publishing Company does book layout and design, proof reading, assigns ISBN, arranges for printing of books, provides promotional services and offers advice on all aspect of book creation including marketing and distribution. End
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