SuperGIS Server Provides Web APIs for Map Website Design

SuperGeo Technologies announced that SuperGIS Server, its comprehensive server-based GIS, now provides Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which allow developers to access map services and customize map websites more efficiently.
May 24, 2011 - PRLog -- SuperGeo Technologies, the leading global provider of complete GIS software and solutions, announced that SuperGIS Server, its comprehensive server-based GIS, now provides Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which allow developers to access map services and customize map websites more efficiently.

SuperGIS Server can effectively manage and integrate various types of GIS resources and publish them to the Internet as map services. Seeking to diversify the demonstration of map websites and better meet the demands of enterprises, SuperGIS Server currently offers two types of Web API, SuperGIS Server JavaScript API and SuperGIS Server Flex API. These two types of Web API are the webpage objects especially for developing webpage applications.  

SuperGIS Server JavaScript API help users create diverse map websites, containing the API objects which can be divided into twelve objects, including AjaxAgent, Geometry, Edit, Control and Framework, etc., in accordance with object property.

As for SuperGIS Server Flex API, it  assists developers in creating multiple web applications of powerful functions. Its function objects are mainly categorized into  querying, mapping and obtaining layer information.

With the Web APIs provided by SuperGIS Server, developers are able to customize front-end applications and create GIS platforms suitable for businesses after installing SuperGIS Server. Additionally, they can refer to the the SuperGIS Server Developer Guide which is  attached to the software for detailed descriptions of each object and applied samples.

Aside from the two types of Web API mentioned above, SuperGIS Server Silverlight API will be released soon.

For further information of SuperGIS Server Web APIs, please visit

The latest free trial of SuperGIS Server is available at

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About SuperGeo
SuperGeo Technologies Inc. is a leading global provider of GIS software and solutions. Since the establishment, SuperGeo has dedicated to providing state-of-the-art geospatial technologies and comprehensive services for customers around the world. It is our vision to help users utilize geospatial technologies to create a better world.

SuperGeo software and applications have been spread over the world to be the backbone of the world’s mapping and spatial analysis. SuperGeo is the professional GIS vendor, providing GIS-related users with complete GIS solutions for desktop, mobile, server, and Internet platforms. More information about SuperGeo is available at

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SuperGeo is a company based on GIS (Geographic Information System), RS(Remote Sensing), and GPS(Global Positioning System) technologies and developing and marketing GIS software, as well as providing professional services to our clients around the world.
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