There's a Human Resource Revolution Going On!

There are big shifts happening today in the way employees are valued and treated. These shifts require truly innovative technological solutions that inspire a new level of social collaboration and re-think archaic HR processes.
Human Resource Revolution
Human Resource Revolution
May 27, 2011 - PRLog -- San Jose, California. Can you feel it too? There are big shifts happening today in the way employees are valued and treated and it seems this wave of change is just beginning to build. More and more companies are recognizing the importance of effective solutions for authentic employee empowerment and the creation of healthy organizational cultures. It’s becoming increasingly clear that healthy cultures and employee empowerment are intertwined and that both are necessary in order to stay competitive and be alluring for both potential customers and potential employees.  The burden of this type of change tends to fall onto the shoulders of Human Resources as they are often seen as the stewards of culture and have the overall responsibility for implementing policies and strategies relating to the management of employees.

These big shifts require truly innovative technological solutions that inspire a new level of social collaboration, empower employees to take some of the burden off HR, and re-think the archaic HR processes that are widely used today. There are many tech companies designing talent management solutions, both thriving and in the start-up phase, that seem to be simply automating archaic HR processes and calling this innovation. Well, sure, it is important technological innovation to find ways to automate complex HR processes, however, this is not the only type of innovation that HR needs to help an organization stay competitive today. HR needs technological solutions that make their jobs easier while also helping employees feel valued as individuals with their own voice.  Ideally, these solutions should also positively influence the health of the organization’s culture, perhaps by increasing transparency or ease of collaboration.

So much is rapidly changing all around us: globalization is rising faster than ever before, there are more new technologies we are expected to engage in existence than ever before, and younger generations have leapt over their older counterparts in technology adoption. HRIT innovations are needed that will attract and engage workers across various geographies and across all generations. In order to do this, the innovations must not only be highly intuitive, but also provide an extremely personalized, progressively more social experience.

This is a tall order, but I know it’s possible. We are building such solutions here at UpMo. We are going beyond automating outdated HR processes by creating a new way of managing career development and keeping employees on fulfilling career paths. We are rethinking talent retention and pipeline and succession planning with solutions that authentically empower employees in ways they care about and help them share the burden of career management with HR while enabling them to have a powerful social experience as well. This helps employees feel valued and supported, which increases employee productivity and lowers employee attrition. Our solutions are also created with organizational culture in mind: the social, cross-departmental aspects will help break down organizational silos and encourage open collaboration.

The solutions we are creating here at UpMo are just a small piece of the new picture. So many HR vendors have the resources to create innovations that are truly forward thinking.  Many are creating more social tools that engage employees in collaboration, but they need to rethink the myriad HR processes that have been practically unchanged since back in the 60’s.  My question is: what are they waiting for?  There is a Human Resource Revolution going on!

Do you see what I see? Please visit my corresponding blog entry at and let me know what you think!

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About UpMo:
Employees Rule. UpMo provides the industry’s first employee-centric enterprise career management solution to emerging and large organizations. By helping people plan, pursue and manage their careers in a way that benefits both them and their companies, UpMo SaaS solutions help companies embrace employee mobility to dramatically increase productivity, reduce employee churn, and improve employee engagement.
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