Elinext Expects Increased Effectiveness of Newly Adopted PTS

Elinext Group develops new project tracking system for more effecient management of own development projects.
June 6, 2011 - PRLog -- Elinext Group, a software development company focused on mobile development, cloud computing and web development, informs on significant development project time decrease after adoption of the new project tracking system (PTS) and expects further increase in effectiveness of Developer Teams.

The Team of Mobile Developers who utilize the new Creative-Format PTS within the framework of accomplishing a complex mobile development project provide positive references as regards system usability and functionality, stating approximately 5 percent project development time decrease as compared to the previously used PTS system.

Elinext’s Project Managers additionally mention the value of the newly adopted PTS for projects, which have been managed remotely and note that the project time decrease became possible thanks to the new PTS systems’ powerful tools for reporting, efficient change management and visualization instruments for results tracking.

After successful testing period, Elinext Group, being an international software company with geographically distributed development centers and representative offices worldwide, expects to receive more benefits from unification and acceleration of project development cycle and facilitated project results monitoring.

“PTS has proved its value for our big mobile development projects allowing us to deliver the first results before the schedule. After the successful test period we plan to implement this PTS throughout all Elinext’s Minsk Development centers, and, gradually, in our international centers”, notes Victor Romanyuk, Elinext Group Lead Web Developer. “PTS proves to be effective both in leveraging the project security and in accelerating the project reporting, which results in overall increase of team efficiency and development time decrease.”

“Elinext Team constantly monitors products that might assist our Development Teams in enhancing our practices and accelerating software development cycle”, adds Alexey Trigolos, Elinext Group IT Services Director. “Adopting industry leading project management practices, including advanced report tracking systems and tools is inalienable part of our unfailing pursuit for excellence and strive to deliver more value to our customers through bringing faster and better results on the projects.”

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About Elinext Group
Elinext Group is an internationally reputed IT company focused on mobile applications, Web solutions and cloud computing for European and US customers. Engaged in mobile software development since 2005, Elinext Goup successfully operates its international offices delivering innovative mobile solutions worldwide. The extensive expertise with the next day technologies enables Elinext to provide its clients the full software development cycle – from initial business idea development to appealing software design and high quality testing.
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