![]() UPDATE !! Consumer Info Alert=Corrosive Tainted Drywall Abatement+Treatment+Testing+Settlement FactsCorrecting tainted corrosive drywall structures, requires protocols and guidelines, confirming and validating, total resolution of current and future unknown out-gassing issues, and also electrical wiring, cabinets, and other construction components.
By: Michael S. Foreman June 24, 2011 - PRLog -- NDE Diagnosis - Confirming and Validating
Foreman and Associates, Inc. has been the industry leader concerning testing, diagnosis, and analysis of tainted corrosive drywall (TCDW), commonly called Chinese Drywall (CDW), in residences and structures across the country, since January 2009. From January 2009, implementation of our visual, cause and effect, Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) proprietary protocol, has provided our clients, with cost effective, 100% accurate, NDE diagnosis to-date. February 1st, 2011 we posted our NDE Protocol, and narrative document, in an effort to provide Consumers factual and validated means and methods, until ASTM Emergency Work Group, formed in November 2009 could provide an ASTM Tainted Corrosive Drywall NDE Diagnosis Standard, that I'm sad to report and share, as of today, June 24th, 2011, has not been established or published. Just like the wheels of justice, ASTM Standards tend to move at glacier speed, compared to the lightning speed of free market entrepreneurs and experts. http://www.constructionguru.com/ Abatement and Treatment - Standards and Guidelines Attempting to abate a structure, with-out following Judge Fallon's Guidelines, is like playing Russian Roulette. Numerous opinions, statements, and reports providing alternate abatement and treatment guidelines or systems, that fail to follow established and documented, Judge Fallon MDL Guidelines, leaving electrical wiring, or not removing all drywall and construction components, leave Consumers vulnerable to becoming a victim once again, with no valid (non-environmental policy) guarantee, warranty, or insurance policy protecting them, the Consumer. Abatement of tainted corrosive drywall houses or structures with SNiPER® Treatment Application System, implementing Foreman and Associates specific protocol, provides the property owner or Consumer, the option to purchase a fully transferable, Property Specific Environmental Insurance Policy, not only covering current construction abatement, treatment, and re-construction, but also future unknown out-gassing or residual tainted corrosive or Chinese drywall issues. (Existing typical Contractor, Warranty, and Non-Environmental Insurance Policies, after close review by Insurance Professionals, FAILS to provide actual or real coverage ... caveat emptor.) Chamber Testing - Only Confirmed Means and Method to Measure Out-Gassing Levels and Compounds Chamber Testing per ASTM approved means and methods, measures out-gassing levels and specific compounds found in tested vapors or out-gassed vapor, providing accurate, positive, definitive measurements and specific compounds, that at this time, have NO ESTABLISHED ACCEPTABLE ASTM RESIDENTIAL STANDARD LEVELS, legally and professionally, allowing specific out-gassing information to be properly and factually interpreted and applied by Professionals. Current CPSC ASTM Chamber Testing by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), clearly shows elevated corrosive out-gassing levels of imported gypsum boards, compared to domestic gypsum boards, allowing my Firm to establish and recommend to our clients ... six - eight (6 - 8) micro- Out-gassing Charts and Information available on website Settlements, Litigation, Legal System Progress - Current Status and Facts Please review both Press Releases http://prlog.org/ http://prlog.org/ Current settlements provided or offered by Judge Fallon's MDL Court System, fail to compensate or provide adequate funding to resolve the Consumers issues, require legal representation to collect, require documentation most Consumers do not have, require months or years to actually collect, and in general favor the attorneys or lawyers, not the victims, claimants, or Consumer. Consumers or Homeowners with Tainted Corrosive Drywall (TCDW) or as commonly known, Chinese Drywall (CDW), need to research, review, understand, and become aware of all the facts and information available, concerning TCDW or CDW. Foreman and Associates, as Consumer Advocates, continues to educate, inform, document, and share our findings and research, allowing Consumers to make educated and informed decisions. Questions and comments ... welcome. Thank you for your time and interest. Michael S. Foreman Foreman and Associates, Inc. Forensic Construction Consultants http://www.ConstructionGuru.com # # # Foreman and Associates, knowledge and expertise concerning Tainted Corrosive Drywall (TCDW) or Chinese Drywall (CDW) leads the Industry with: First 100% Accurate NDE Diagnostic Protocol (January 2009) First Environmental Insurance backed abatement and treatment Protocol First to publish and share NDE Analysis Protocol (January 2010) First to promote and endorse SNiPER® Treatment System First to acknowledge and endorse personal property SNiPER® Treatment System First Cost Effective abatement Protocol requiring ALL electrical wiring / fixtures, HVAC equipment / duct work, drywall, cabinets, interior doors / hardware, carpet and pad, plumbing fixtures, removal and replacement or SNiPER® Treatment of specific components. Our firms Treatment Protocol for Tainted Corrosive Drywall or Chinese Drywall has been documented as 100% successful. Our SNiPER® Treatment affords Clients a CDW / TCDW Specific Insurance Policy, covering any future out-gassing or environmental issues End
Page Updated Last on: Jan 07, 2012