Cause of America’s Debt Crisis is Not that of its Citizens, Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers.

It is related to a lack of leadership by this president along with his predecessors who never take responsibility or come to grips with their personal refusals to be held accountable for their decisions unmatched in the history of mankind. A SHAME.
By: Peter Clarke
Aug. 9, 2011 - PRLog -- It is related to a lack of leadership by this president along with his predecessors and a direct result of the out of control spending for unsustainable government programs of entitlements’ by republicans and democrats alike over the past 50 years.  

In just the past two and a half years under this current administration has increased spending by an outrageous 86%. The president’s support of Marxist and Keynesian economic theories the USA shall NOT avert yet another credit rating downgrade.

Unfortunately, Obama and his czars all are "blame-passers" who never take responsibility or come to grips with their personal refusals to be held accountable for their decisions and actions.  

This President and his annotated czars, who seem to be of the same jaded nature, continually play the victims and always are looking for others to pay the price of their own ineptness.

American citizens and should wake up, recognize this behavior for the sickness that it is, and stop stroking and coddling such personal political ego’s at the direct expense of their nation and individual lives.

With 50% of the population in the USA paying NO federal income taxes and continuing to receive entitlements and line up with their hands out for more is a receipt for failure similar to what happened in the former USSR.

Obama’s continued calls for more spending, tax increases on business, along with his administrations ever increasing regulations on businesses based on his and Geithners new math and failed economic theories used by other socialist countries around the globe shall NOT avert another credit downgrade or solve the spending crises by the Senate and House members.

This addition of $2.4 TRILLION in DEBT with spending cuts of a mere $917 Billion over TEN YEARS was truly a farce and political gimmickry and putting the Fox in Charge of the Hen House.

Politicians and their respective political parties continue to live and exist on credit from China and other Countries at the direct expense of the very citizens they supposedly represent and who elected them to keep the nation safe and financially sound.

This global monetary crisis was caused by a political financial pyramid scheme which has resulted in a crime against humanity unmatched in the history of mankind.

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Peter CLARKE with a background in economics and business is CEO of Ellis Clarke International and one if the founders.
Peter has two daughter Adele and Sarah and is remarried to Tatiana Toledo a beautifully intelligent women and mother to her son Noel.
Source:Peter Clarke
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Tags:Debt Ceiling, Obama, Politics Senate, House, Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party, Spending, Entitlements, Leadership, Party
Industry:Lifestyle, Financial
Location:Toronto - Ontario - Canada
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Page Updated Last on: Aug 09, 2011
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