Prime Management Helps Small International Society Grow

Personal service and organizational experience help association plan, prepare and reach out to potential members.
Aug. 17, 2011 - PRLog -- Prime Management Services (PMS) helps associations big and small to be effective, streamlined operations that provide value to the membership and results in growth of the organization.  This is underway for one of PMS' newest clients, the International Association of Forensic and Security Metrology (IAFSM).  

IAFSM is comprised of professional users, service providers, and manufacturers of metrological techniques and technology working for the advancement of justice.  The young organization had  previously been managed by an all volunteer group of members knowledgeable about the field.  PMS brings a dedicated account manager with experience helping other organizations succeed starting out by establishing policies and procedures for administration, committees, and helping to establish and promote best practices in the industry.

The next step involves promoting the organization to stakeholders and potential members.  PMS has helps IAFSM by exhibiting at conferences where potential members could be introduced to the organization and establishing a monthly electronic newsletter to feed updates in the field to members.  Establishing committees and getting them to run effectively is also a key component to serving member needs.  Anna Trott, IAFSM's Account Manager, commented that "It is exciting to see the organization improve by getting these components in place to better serve our members".  Anna's experience with other small, growing, international associations has helped her to provide valuable insight to the IAFSM leadership.

IAFSM's mission is to promote the development and use of precision measurement systems, techniques and software in the generation of two- or three-dimensional coordinate spatial data for documentation, planning, analysis and/or presentation purposes in the service of justice. As an association whose focus touches on a broad spectrum of specialized forensic and security applications, IAFSM encourages membership, representation and input from all specialties. This to ensure that all information gathered is shared with those who will benefit from it most.  More information and details on membership can be obtained at

Prime Management Services is a business services firm that plans conferences, trade shows, and conventions for several regional, national and international organizations, mainly non-profit organizations and provides overall association management services.  For more information visit

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Prime Management Services,, plans international conferences, trade shows, and events; and provides marketing, bookkeeping, publications, and membership management for non profit associations and societies.
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