Durham Business School focuses on Chinese Capital Markets

The China Development Group at Durham Business School (DBS) will host a conference on Chinese capital markets in collaboration with The European Journal of Finance on 3-4 September 2011.
Durham Business School
Durham Business School
Aug. 24, 2011 - PRLog -- The China Development Group at Durham Business School (DBS) will host a conference on Chinese capital markets in collaboration with The European Journal of Finance on 3-4 September 2011.

The ‘Durham-EJF Special Issue Conference on the Chinese Capital Market’ will focus on the role capital markets are playing in China's ascension towards becoming one of the largest economies in the world. Keynote speakers are Jun Qian, Boston College and Wharton Financial Institutions Centre and Huiyao Wang, Harvard University and Centre for China and Globalisation.

Discussions will address different topics, including:

• Foreign ownership and corporate performance
• Domestic and foreign institutional investor behaviour
• Sources of the stock price fluctuations in Chinese equity market
• Bond Yields
• Venture capital and executive incentives

The two day event, which will take place at St John's College, will combine presentation sessions, speeches, a tour of Durham Cathedral and a gala dinner.

Alessandra Guariglia, Professor of Financial Economics and one of the conference organisers and panellists says: “China is playing a key role in the global economy and this conference will be a great opportunity to hear from experts in the subject. Durham Business School is paying special attention to this market with several events as we feel that it is a hot topic at the moment.”

Please find the conference programme in the link below:

To register for this event visit the Durham Business School website: http://www.dur.ac.uk/dbs/news/conferences/


For further information on the conference and to reserve places please contact:
Sue Hobson, Durham Business School, 0191 3343877 s.l.hobson@durham.ac.uk

For media enquiries, please contact:
Andrew Adam, Tania Vie Riba, Sarah Evans-Toyne, Broadgate Mainland, 020 7726 6111 Durham@broadgatemainland.com

About Durham Business School

Durham Business School (DBS) is part of Durham University, one of the oldest established universities in the UK. The School is one of the few in the UK to have triple accreditation: AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), AMBA (Association of MBAs) and EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System). In the latest Economist MBA rankings, DBS was ranked 55th in the world and 8th in the UK. The 2011 Financial Times Global MBA rankings placed DBS 17th in Europe and 9th in the UK. In addition, the school was ranked 7th in the world for 'value for money'. DBS is also an internationally renowned research-led institution that attracts considerable levels of external research funding. http://www.dur.ac.uk/dbs/

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