Home Inventory Professionals Appointed to National Product Review Committee

The Inventory Institute adds two qualified Home Inventory Professionals to review products that seek endorsement by non-biased, fair, and trustworthy reviewers.
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Sept. 10, 2011 - PRLog -- With the recent introduction of new Home Inventory software, questionable certification programs and businesses in a box products, The Inventory Institute began providing the opportunity for Home Inventory product providers to apply for potential product endorsement earlier this year.

“Even Home Inventory Professionals are susceptible to scams, deceit, and tomfoolery. Sometimes it seems like another dubious program pops up every week. More HIPs are turning to The Inventory Institute because they know our endorsement cannot be bought, bartered, or lucked into. As more providers have begun inquiring about, and applying for potential product endorsement by The Institute, it just made sense to add credentialed and non-biased HIPs to the Product Review Committee,” says Michelle Ketterman, founder of The Inventory Institute and owner of The Inventory Experts in Dallas, Texas.

Members have committed to thoroughly, confidentially, and professionally review and test every aspect of the product. There is an application fee to have products reviewed by the committee for possible endorsement. Submitting an application for endorsement and paying the application fee in no way guarantees or implies approval. The Inventory Institute recognizes and respects the weight their endorsement carries and refuses to ‘sell’ endorsements or approvals to anyone for any reason.

Application fees are non-refundable and are never a promise of approval. The credentialing review process includes comparing the program against best practices and commonly used professional Inventory strategies. Programs not initially endorsed will have the opportunity to address Institute concerns and resubmit program for reconsideration within six months. Products passing the stringent review process will be granted permission to use The Inventory Institute’s Approved Product badge.

The Inventory Institute proudly announced that in addition to Michelle Ketterman, two highly qualified, insured, bonded, and credentialed Home Inventory Professionals have graciously accepted the position on the Product Review Committee. The new members are:

Carrie Austin of Accurate Home Inventory and serving Ventura, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties. Carrie has been a Certified Real Estate Appraiser in California for the past 19 years and understands the importance of trustworthy and reliable professional products. Carrie’s professional experience, competence, and thorough attention to detail brings a unique perspective to the Home Inventory Profession. Carrie also serves as Secretary for the California Coalition of Appraisers (CCAP). Carrie can be reached at theaccurateinventory.com or 805-208-8422.

Patrick Martin of Steadfast Home Inventory and serving the New England area, is also a 2011-2012 Advisory Board member. Patrick was chosen because of his obvious dedication to the profession as evidenced by the time he spends creating the “Steadfast Radio Podcast” and by the advice and guidance he selflessly volunteers to new members of the profession. Growing up in a small town in New Hampshire, Patrick is proud of his strong family values and recognizes that a home is not just four walls and a roof, but a collection of years of memories. Having a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology is one of the many unique things that make Patrick an ideal member of the Product Review Committee. Patrick can be reached at SteadfastHomeInventory.com or 978-319-4963.

For additional information on applying for possible Home Inventory product endorsement, email info@TheInventoryInstitute.com.

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About The Inventory Institute. The Inventory Institute was founded in 2009 after learning that 40% of the Third Party Home Inventory Professionals throughout the country claimed to be licensed when there was no industry license in any state. The Inventory Institute provides credentialing, industry standards, uniform education, and a vehicle for peer review and communication .The Institute also educates the public on the need for Third Party Home and Business Inventory and how to find qualified, insured professionals. For more information, contact TheInventoryInstitute.com or 972-834-8592.

The Inventory Institute: educating consumers, setting standards, raising the bar, for the Industry.
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