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Follow on Google News | Mosquitoes accused of working for US Military / CIA in PakistanPakistan press say recent Dengue fever outbreak is the work of the US. I uncover an historic link between one particular species of mosquito and the CIA, leading to training of the mosquitoes for special combat skills at Langley and other US bases.
By: NaturallyOnGuard Dengue fever is only spread by the bite of an infected mosquito, but how had the Pakistanis discovered these mosquitoes were in fact on the US payroll? Who had squealed? I was itching to find out how this all had happened and I think you'll find the facts I uncovered are quite un-nerving. I already knew the mosquito species carrying Dengue fever was the Aedes aegypti, but it is only now I realise how, and why, this particular species had become so stealthy and even ‘domesticated’ Researching the Aedes aegypti will tell you it happily operates indoors, hiding in dark cupboards or under chairs, beds or tables. It is incredibly quick and flies off at the slightest threat of discovery whilst its injection of its mouth parts is practiced to such a degree that the target rarely feels a thing. To avoid most of the anti mosquito personal defences, such as bed nets and sprays, it now operates missions through out the whole day. One incredible feature it has developed is the ‘Quiet Mode’ of flight and all its members are now adept at quick in-and-out assignments without being noticed. I have uncovered reports that mosquito swarms have been regular visitors to Groom Lake Air force Base and Area 51 since the 1980’s, and it can be safely assumed that some cross fertilisation of ideas has taken place here. Further more it is now known that a crack platoon of Aedes aegpti (Squeal Team – Sick) were aboard the two MH-X helicopters on the recent Osama bin Laden operation in May. Not just as technical advisers but as back up in case the Seal team failed, in which case they would then seek out the target themselves and inject the deadly form of Dengue Hemorrhagic fever. However the real breakthrough for my investigations came in reply to a FaceBook and Twitter campaign I had started to contact any ex-service Aedes aegpti personal with military training. This proved impossible (for reasons given later) but my luck held when a disillusioned member of a closely related but rival gang – Aedes albopictus- broke cover and contacted me. She told me how the Aedes group as a whole had always felt second best to the Anopheles ever since the Anopheles were accredited with being responsible for malaria. Aedes wanted their own disease and back in 1790 some Aedes aegypti stumbled upon this little known fever locally called “Ki-Dinga pepo”. They re-branded it Dengue (apparently more catchy) and as a sales strategy Aedes decided to target the larger market of humans. Plans were made to distribute through major sea ports initially and then spread to any urban area with increasing populations of people. The work of injecting the fever would be left to the women and as all Aedes do not travel very far from birth the clever plan was to let the humans do the actual spreading –all Aedes had to do was alert members and infected person was coming to their area and they could collect the virus from them and then pass it on to any other human in that locality – thus creating a brand new outlet and source of virus supply. It seems a chance meeting at the end of the war in a rundown Singapore bar (called Raffles I believe) between a leading Aedes member and an American from the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) led to an exchange of ideas, further talks and then the eventual the sell out of the species to the now re- named CIA. The deal was the CIA would make Aedes aegypti famous as the carrier of Dengue fever and give them protection, whilst in return they would secretly work for the US. Intensive training of the females starts directly after birth and within a week she is a superb injecting machine completely brain washed for the task. When sent on her mission and not to arouse interest, before she finishes her course, she would be assigned a male who would go with her so they could pose as a normal couple. After the weeks course she is invited, with her new partner, to a special passing out dinner without realising the humans they are drinking from are in fact all infected with the Dengue virus. The males of course, not interested in blood, spend the evening on fruit juices and ogling the rapidly extending thoraxes of the females. Once infected the female has just over a week to get to her target as it will take that long for the virus to reach her salivary gland and then be ready for action. On some missions the mosquitoes will be transported in bulk out of a nearby Air Force base but in most clandestine missions they will steal away on civil transport, entering the target country and dispersing to their designated areas of infection / operation. All missions are one way as even if the asset is not caught by a local SWAT team they will self terminate within a month from birth – taking all their secrets with them. This I found all quite incredible but it’s what she finally told about DEET insect repellent, coupled with my existing knowledge of the subject, was what actually convinced me this was no silly conspiracy theory. The following facts are indisputable. The type of protection for Aedes aegypti made in their original deal in Singapore was thus. The CIG agent was aware the US Army was developing a new insect repellent which by all reports would become the gold standard for such things. In return for the Aedes aegypti’s loyalty the US government would, after an initial 50 year period of civilian use, help the Aedes to develop a genetically passed on resistance to DEET by secretly giving them access to the formula. However no one else would know of this and even if discovered the US would use its influence to ensure other government agencies and health organisations discounted it. Not only this but the Agency would try to protect much of the mosquitoes other acquired skills and modes of operation by an orchestrated supply of mis-information through many of the same friendly government sources. And so it came to pass……..DEET was launched for the US military in 1946 but held from the civilian market until 1957………………and the formula was passed on in 2007. The whole scheme was in fact severely compromised in that year when a sole mosquito was dragged unconscious aboard a small fishing vessel in the Mediterranean. It was indeed a former brain washed asset from Langley. After drying out and regaining consciousness the female mosquito gradually started remembering her indoctrination. To cut along story short she eventually found out what had happened to her and that her real name was Mosquito Bourne. The last heard of her was that she would try to expose the plot by reaching some friends at Rothamsted Research, Harpenden in the UK. My guess is she made it as a flurry of publications indicate –(again Google - Deet Resistance) Nevertheless, true to the deal all the major agencies for Dengue control, including the World Health Organisation, still recommend the use of DEET, and most of them even fail to advise people of the mosquitos’ daytime missions and not just at dawn and dusk. I realise that by publishing my findings to the internet I will become a target for all Aedes aegypti the World over with a probable ‘bitewa’ placed upon me. Still, I am willing to publish and be bitten…………although I do have some really good non-DEET repellent somewhere. NEXT WEEK look out for my revelations of who is really flying those ‘unmanned’ # # # Manufacture and supply natural products to both look after the skin and protect from insects, particularly mosquitoes. We also produce a natural SPF30 4 STAR sunscreen and a combined sunscreen and repellent too. No DEET, natural, longlasting and PROVEN effective. End