I love My Daddy, He's Courageous!

Must-see movie, Courageous! With action, clean music, drama and humor, this film will embrace the devastating statistics on fatherless children, you will be blown away. It gave many revelations to viewers. Learn more at: www.courageousthemovie.com
Oct. 17, 2011 - PRLog -- This year’s must-see movie, Courageous! With action, clean music, drama and humor, this film will embrace God’s promise in the Bible to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. The statistics on fatherless children are devastating, you will be blown away. Learn more at: www.courageousthemovie.com  

I love My Daddy, He’s Courageous!

You go to the movies to laugh, spend time with friends and family, to be moved, to escape real life for some odd hours. But is it possible that a movie along with clean music could be more than entertaining – it could be major life changing? With a movie like Courageous, I think so!

From the Creators of FireProof, a must-see movie, Courageous is sweeping the nation by storm as the #1 viewer rated movie that hit the movie scene Friday, September 30, 2011. According to Dictionary.com the definition of courageous can be defined as “Not deterred by danger or pain; Brave”. These four men have one calling: To Serve and Protect in Courageous, when tragedy strikes, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Protecting the streets is second nature. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? Well, That’s Courageous!

With a pleasant surprise, this movie gave many revelations to all viewers. Not only Christian Men but to every man on the planet! All men should make plans to see this movie IMMEDIATELY. It is mandatory!  

You will find lessons of what true Love is, Moral Standards, Family Values and most of all the Role of a Father as a man. They recite this verse all throughout the movie “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 NLT Bottom line: They’re the head! Having a strong relationship with God is the key to unlock the issues of how men can be Men of: Integrity, Respect, Honor, Honesty, Role Models and Build a Solid Foundation for their children.

This movie is favored by Tony Dungy, Super Bowl-winning Coach, “See Courageous and make a lasting difference in the lives of your children”. Not to mention, there are several quotes of encouragement throughout the movies:

1.   “A father should love his children and seek to win their hearts”
2.   “God doesn’t promise us an explanation, but He does promise to walk with us.”
3.   “You are a rich man. You have a strong faith, children that love you and a wife that adores you.”
4.   “I never knew there is so much in Scripture about being a good father.”

That single-word title, Pastor Catt said, echoes God’s call for men to “rise with courage” in their homes and as leaders.  This at a time when 4 of 10 marriages end in divorce and more than a third of all children live away from their biological fathers.

“We focus on the crucial role of father; it’s not just to be a father who loves his kids,” said Alex Kendrick, co-writer/director of COURAGEOUS.  “It’s to be engaged with a purpose—to be a father on purpose.”  

Sherwood movies entertain as they touch audiences where they live, and they show the means to live more fully through faith in God.  

For those who have seen the move Courageous, relive the movie Courageous through the amazing soundtrack music from some of the best Christian artists! Includes "When We're Together" (Mark Harris), "Sound of Your Voice" (Third Day), "Your Love" (Brandon Heath), "Lead Me" (Sanctus Real), "Strong Enough to Save" (Tenth Avenue North), "One Foot" (Building 429), "Walk with Me" (One Sonic Society), the hit song title track - Courageous (Casting Crowns), and more, this compilation is one that will leave you inspired, encouraged and ready to lead your family in faith!  It will be released on Tuesday, October 18, 2011.



He’s not here.  Some 24.7 million American children (36.3 percent) live without their biological fathers.

Side effects. Children living without their biological fathers, on average, are more likely to be poor and to have educational, health, emotional, and psychological problems, to suffer child abuse, and to engage in criminal behavior, than peers living with their married, biological mother and father.

Fatherless homes produce:
•   63 percent of youth suicides (Bureau of the Census)
•   85 percent of all children with behavioral disorders (CDC)
•   85 percent of all youths in prisons
(All Pro Dads, © 2010 Family First)

About Courageous

To learn more, visit:
-   COURAGEOUS CourageoustheMovie.com
Check out CourageousResources.com for great ministry tools to help your family and your church  

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