ZingBizPro and Glenn W Turner.

We have sold over 3 Million copies of Audios, Videos and films of this video. We have had thousands of testimonies of numerous lives of people who were changed by watching it.
Nov. 9, 2011 - PRLog -- CHALLENGE TO AMERICA

This is a portion of a video we did years ago. We have sold over 3 Million copies of  Audios, Videos and films of this video. We have had thousands of testimonies of numerous lives of people who were changed by watching it. Jeffrey Gitomer watched it over 250 times, it was the foundation that made him number one in his field today. He is just one of many. Please visit Glenn's website.

I hope this touches you as well. The DVD is found on our website use the catalog link and it is under DVD’s.
God Bless You,

Glenn W Turner joined our team.
His link is


God bless GWT and his wife Nancy!


From my heart!!
I was looking at an old magazine we did back in 1972 when one of my companies was being attacked daily. After many years it appeared in the New York Times that I was number 4 on one of Nixon's hit list. It was called the Creep committee "The Committee to Re-Elect the President.." Because I didn't pay the over $200,000 they demanded my companies were open game for the government and all the attorney generals. While going through all of these tribulations and numerous attacks in the press I put the following letter to our many distributors.

"As you all know from the press coverage in the past few months our companies are being hit left and right. This is the year of a major election, and many politicians are trying to ride to fame on the shoulders of Glenn W.Turner and his people. If I wanted to I could step away from all of this trouble. I've made enough money now that I don't have to fight them if I don't want to. If ever one of my companies went broke tomorrow, I wouldn't have to worry about myself personally.

But I don't want to do this because I care about all the people who believe in me. That's why I'm not going to give up and stop fighting. I am going to fight forever for you. That's why if the government closed up everyone of my 70 companies tomorrow I would go out and start 70 more, so I could make a place for you.

I'm not a crook as I've been accused of being. I'm not a genius as some of the people have said; I'm not a saint and I'm not a con man. I just live, sleep and eat the Dare To Be Great philosophy, and this is all I am ....a Dare To Be Greater. I believe in what I am doing and I believe in YOU.

This is America....and I'd like to see it run by more people who believe in the Constitution and the rights of others. Then anyone...the truck driver, the dishwasher, the farmer and the mechanic will be encouraged to be somebody and to have something more.

We've worked long and hard with our attorneys to conform to the letter of the law. I've changed my system five times in the last five years, so it would be completely legal and aboveboard. I'll always be willing to change and adapt if they prove that I am doing something wrong. We want to do what is right and legal. Some of the decisions were wrong we felt, and we are appealing them. But while we appeal, we are still changing to conform to those decisions.

Most of the decisions were favorable. One judge recently ruled that Dare To Be Great was a worthwhile endeavor and of benefit to mankind, but you probably didn't read about that in one paper. You only hear about the bad ones, because they are the only ones that are newsworthy.

A company can Be broken by being hit by a lot of bad publicity. If this was an ordinary company we would have gone down the drain three or four years ago. We probably had more bad publicity than any other company in history. But our people live the Dare To Be Great Philosophy. The are so strong in their belief that they can take it all and not panic. We are creating a new race in Glenn W. Turner Enterprises..."The Super Salesman," and before these people are going to sell the world our philosophy. The will sell the world on not giving up its hard earned rights, on not giving up on free enterprise.

I want to tell the average American business man that Glenn Turner and his Super Salesmen are fighting his battles alone now. But he' better wake up and join forces with us and help us fight if he wants to accomplish his goals for success..

But whether he joins us or not, I'll keep on keeping on, and so will my people.There is one thing the world can be sure of. And that is that we will NEVER.... EVER....give up."

Almost 40 years later and at 75 years old I still believe and share the Dare To Be Great Philosophy. Many of our past members have gone on to many accomplishments as we hear from many of you on FB and in the emails you send us. Financially we have over 1,000 millionaires that came through our companies, they are still Daring To Be Great. Many children whose parents went through the courses tell us, the strength they gained to face life came from the DTBG classes. We have a young lady who is blind teaching them to women in prison, with amazing results. We have a young man who changed his life, now helping others to overcome drug and alcohol abuse. Many didn't measure their accomplishments by the scale of finances, but by the power to over come and keep on keeping on. We still make these courses available if you are interested please send us and email from my site.

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