Anthony Ricigliano - Social Media and Internet Policies

In a very short time, electronic communications expanded from emails and instant messages to include peer-to-peer networks, streaming video, social media, and blogging. Although each method started off in the public arena, businesses soon learned..
Nov. 11, 2011 - PRLog -- In a very short time, electronic communications expanded from emails and instant messages to include peer-to-peer networks, streaming video, social media, and blogging. Although each method started off in the public arena, businesses soon learned that they could use this new technology to streamline their operation and save money.

However, every benefit also has a potential risk. Employees who misuse company resources on purpose or by accident cause numerous problems including loss of productivity, legal issues, and potential security breaches. To combat these problems, every company should design, implement, and enforce a robust electronic usage policy, often referred to as an e-policy, as part of the organization's overall security strategy. Use this list of best practices and general guidelines to create an effective plan:

The E-Policy must be in a Written Format
To be effective and enforceable, e-policies should be documented in writing. At the company’s discretion, the manual can be distributed in either a hard-copy or electronic format. In either case, the employee should sign an acknowledgment that the material was both received and reviewed. The statement should clearly state that noncompliance could result in disciplinary action including termination.

Additional Education and Reinforcement
In addition to distributing the written documentation, train employees on these measures to ensure complete understanding of the policies, procedures, and ramifications of noncompliance. Another signed statement should be required asking the employee to certify attendance and understanding.

Create Rules for Retention
Because emails, instant messages, blog posts, video conferences, and VoIP calls can and should be considered electronic resources and official business records, the e-policy should specifically state this fact and define the policy for retention and archival.

Clearly Define Conditions for Personal Use
It’s not reasonable to expect employees to refrain from all personal communications while on the job, but limits should be put into place. The language should be very clear without room for individual interpretation. Most companies allow a limited amount of internet and email usage while strictly limiting or prohibiting social media use, personal blogging, external instant messaging, streaming video, and peer-to-peer transfers.

Don’t Forget About Discrimination, Sexual Harassment Policies, and Banned Language
Discrimination and sexual harassment can result in both legal fees and a loss of reputation. Remind employees that these policies also apply when using the company’s electronic resources. The e-policy should also define appropriate content and language in addition to proper conduct when using electronic communications. For example, most e-policies ban the use of certain offensive words.

Privacy Issues
Every employee should be informed that they have no right to privacy when using company resources. In the US, employers are generally allowed to monitor all communications whether they take place in an electronic format or across traditional phone lines. As with any issue, companies should perform due diligence to ensure their e-policy conforms to both local and national laws at every location.

Use Technology for Both Reinforcement and Enforcement
Because mistakes happen and disgruntled employees may act purposely to disrupt operations, never rely on manual supervision to ensure compliance or enforce the rules. Instead, e-policies should be supported using software developed to monitor usage and block inappropriate content.

What Not to Do
In addition to using these best practices, every company should avoid these mistakes:
• Creating More than One Policy – Don’t make exceptions to the rules. Create one policy that covers everyone in the company.
• Ignoring International Employees – Some countries have passed laws prohibiting employers from monitoring the computer use of their employees. Make sure the e-policy addresses these legal differences.
• Failing to Enforce the E-Policy – If the policy is not strictly enforced, many employees will not bother to comply with the rules and procedures.

Anthony Ricigliano

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Anthony Ricigliano -Follow business news and advice by Anthony J Ricigliano. Today’s businesses are grappling to stay ahead of the daily changes brought on by the evolution of technology. It’s a challenging environment but one where Anthony Ricigliano
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