Lewis and Clark Law School Graduate, Judith Works, Publishes Memoir: Life in Rome, Italy

From Law School graduate to a life among ex-pats, diplomats, and aristocrats life had much in store for attorney Judith Works as she graduated, mid-life, from Lewis and Clark Law School. In 'Coins In The Fountain' you're treated to the excitment!
Judith Works, Author, Coins In the Fountain~Amazon
Judith Works, Author, Coins In the Fountain~Amazon
Nov. 12, 2011 - PRLog -- Surely Judith Works didn’t imagine Rome, Italy was in her future when she graduated from Portland, Oregon’s Lewis and Clark Law School.  But that is exactly where her law studies took her when at mid-life she landed a contract to work at the Rome headquarters of the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for four years as a legal advisor to the director of human resources.  

Taking up residence on Aventine Hill in Rome she and her husband, Glenn, took The Eternal City by storm; dinner parties, champagne, weekend excursions to the Mediterranean.  They hob-nobbed with ex-pats, diplomats, and aristocrats!  

Now she has turned to another exciting stage of life – that of an author.  Ms. Works has recently released her memoir, ‘Coins In The Fountain: Scenes From an Italian Intermezzo’ which is receiving 5-star accolades for its delightful style, scrumptious descriptions of Italian cuisine, inclusion of the classic art; with a scintillating look behind the scenes at life among diplomats.

The book is a page-turner of excitement, laughter, and colorful description.

Visit http://www.amazon.com/Coins-In-The-Fountain-ebook/dp/B005... for details.  

After what can only be described as an idyllic life of enjoying the richest cuisine, the finest wine, and laughter filled parties, the Pacific Northwest couple returned to Seattle, Washington at the end of her employment contract.  The couple found themselves disheartened as they unpacked in a small, dreary by comparison apartment,  looking forward to a less exciting life.  

So…what to do?  They went back to Rome!  For another six years!  Ms. Works landed a position with the World Food Programme and she and Glenn were gaily packing their cameras, wine glasses, fine china, and silverware for a return trip to Rome.

Judith’s readers are treated to even more experiences of Rome, Italy as they visit her diorama website of photography and vignettes.  The first-class photography is inspired by recipes, sights, and sounds of Rome.  

Visit http://www.coinsinthefountain.com/ for details.

The wonderful thing about reading a memoir of life in Rome that is written from Judith Work’s perspective is the intelligence, the style, and verve that she brings to every element included in ‘Coins In The Fountain: Scenes from an Italian Intermezzo’.  

For instance the book is rich with historical references, such as:  “…the gilded bronze equestrian statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius that my guidebook said was cast in AD 175. The emperor had overlooked the center of Rome from his pedestal set in Michelangelo’s Piazza del Campidoglio since 1538 where he was enduring the indignity of small cars and motorcycles driving around him at furious speed while blowing exhaust in his face. Despite this affront, he continued to stretch out his hand blessing the passing scene.”

Of the array of Italian guidebooks, how to Live! In Rome, and memoirs, ‘Coins In The Fountain’ is the most stylistic, the most intelligent, and the most inclusive of photographs, recipes, and history that one can find.  

Read it!  Today!  It’s now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble Nook, and through iTunes distributors.

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A.V. Harrison Publishing features ground-breaking topics from emerging authors. Its books are distributed by Ingram, available on Amazon.com and B&N Nook. Owner, Emily Hill, invites submissions and can be contacted at info@avharrison-publishing.com.

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