'Hug a Brit!' Is the New Motto of Kindle Best Selling Author, Emily Hill, as Ghost Tales Publish

"Readers in the United Kingdom gave me my first #1 Kindle Best Seller and I love them for that!" Author Emily Hill, who has turned her attention to the paranormal realm, explains why ghost tales are of interest to the English, Scottish, and Irish.
Ghost Stories and Tales of Terror ~ Kindle & Nook
Ghost Stories and Tales of Terror ~ Kindle & Nook
Nov. 20, 2011 - PRLog -- “The British?”  ponders author Emily Hill.  “I love them!  Because they love ghost stories!”  Exclaims the Kindle Best Selling author in a recent interview with A.V. Harrison Publishing on the release of ‘Ghost Stories and Tales of Terror’, Book Two in her ‘Suspense and Horror’ series.  

There is a predominance of ghost activity in the United Kingdom and I think that has something to do with the interest my ‘Suspense and Horror’ series has received from England, Scotland, and Ireland book lovers.  

“Ghost Stories and The Unexplained:  Book One” is available on Kindle.UK.  Visit http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghost-Stories-Unexplained-Events-ebook/dp/B005P4EFNE for details.  

Book One entitled, “Ghost Stories and The Unexplained’ details the author’s Irish roots and reveals the horrific folklore of banshees and ghouls used to keep children in line in the author’s family.  'Ghost Stories and The Unexplained' became a Kindle/UK #1 Best Seller within a month of publishing, and I have Spirit Chasers in the United Kingdom for that achievement!”

The author’s second in the ‘Suspense and Horror’ series is also available on Amazon Kindle.  UK.  Visit http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stories-Terror-Suspense-Horror-eb... for details.

The author goes on to explain, "For instance in London one has ‘The London Ghost Walk’; London’s ‘Ghost Bus Tours’ in which to partake.  In Edinburgh, Scotland visitors and residents can partake in Mercat Tours of haunts and ghosts sites.  And, in Ireland, ghost chasers are led on the Kinsale, Ireland Ghost Tour and through haunted castles.  How frightening would that be?"

"Because the United Kingdom gave me my first #1 Best Seller, my motto now is, 'Hug a Brit!" encourages the prolific author.  

For information about other book titles by Ms. Hill visit http://www.avharrison-publishing.com/?page_id=79 for details.  All of her titles are available through Amazon's Kindle.UK site.

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A.V. Harrison Publishing features ground-breaking topics from emerging authors. Its books are distributed by Ingram, available on Amazon.com and B&N Nook. Owner, Emily Hill, invites submissions and can be contacted at info@avharrison-publishing.com.
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