Predictive technical analysis for commodity and stock market analysisAn alternative theory of economics. This new approach to technical analysis for commodity and stock market analysis, is able to predict market trends a few months and even a few years into the future.
By: Peter Publishing Nov. 26, 2011 - PRLog -- An Engineer, Dr. Peter Achutha, over the last 18 years, has developed an alternative technical analysis for commodity and stock market analysis. This new approach to commodity and stock market analysis is able to generate a forecast or prediction of market trends a few months and even a few years into the future. His first official chart was published in August 1998 during the height of the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis, 13 years ago. That chart was sent to the Prime Minister of Malaysia through the News Straits Times. Imagine that, in the middle of a recession, his August 1998 KLSE prediction chart predicted the KLSE Composite Index would begin a new Bull Run the following month, September 1998. It predicted the approximate trend of the Bull Run for the next few years.
He has been using this alternative technical analysis for commodity and stock market analysis since 1998 for KLSE, Nikkei, rubber, palm oil, wheat, gold, silver price predictions and even to determine the bottom of the NYSE in 2009. This technical analysis has been used to pin point the stock market tops and bottoms quite successfully. In fact the stock market analysis can be carried out for individual stocks or for the Composite Index of any stock exchange in the world. As for the technical analysis of commodities, this technical analysis method was used to generate a gold price chart forecast that shows gold price trend to climb until 2016 when it would peak at US$4,000 per ounce. A technical analysis of silver was published in July 2011, on his website that showed, the price of silver would peak in August or September 2011 than collapse. This predictive technical analysis of commodities is very import for corporations to forecast cost trends many years into the future and for fund managers to manage their portfolios. Dr. Peter Achutha’s technical analysis techniques for commodity and stock market analysis has become an Alternative Theory of Economics. He is a Computer Engineer and after the 18 years of research, modelling and developing his own technical analysis methods, was awarded a Doctorate in Economics for his foundational work on market movements. He has explained that hyperinflation and inflation are two different phenomena. There are many website offering advice and proposing trends based on uncorroborated techniques. Some of these may provide the correct answers but not for the right reasons, others are just plain promoting greed, fear or fear of loss to encourage investors to trade. It is necessary to fall back on a systematic technical analysis or commodity and stock market analysis theory for predicting market trends. Ideally, your technical analysis charts should indicate how a stock or commodity price will move over the next few months or years. That is, your commodity or stock market analysis price chart should forecast the broader overall trend. There will be overshoots and pull backs within this trend but if you can see a few months or a few years into the future you will be less likely to get in or out of the market for the wrong reasons at the wrong time. Hence, a technical analysis chart based upon a longer term perspective and predictive models would be very helpful. How would you like to create your own NYSE, FTSE, Nikkei, ... Brent crude, silver, gold... technical analysis chart? Dr. Peter Achutha is carrying out a soft launch of his book Market Theories & Predicting the Stock Market by Visual Inspection" ISBN 978-983-44525- His company, Peter Publishing, does intend to come out with more commodity and stock market analysis charts based upon their proprietary technical analysis methods. They have technical analysis charts for silver and gold and have written on many market and investment related topics. Their website,, covers a wide range of topics including several topics on property bubbles, hyperinflation, inflation, real estate, a gold price chart, a silver price chart and many topics on economics, finance, investments. They are covering topics on predictive technical analysis and commodity and stock market analysis based on this alternative theory of economics. End
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