Livethesource Top Distributors and Inline Marketing Review

Livethesource and Inline Marketing Review. Take the time to review this powerful information about Livethesource and Inline Marketing. We are the Livethesource Top Distributors and Inline Marketing Top Team
By: John J Callanan
Jan. 2, 2012 - PRLog -- We wanted to take a close hard look at Inline Marketing to see if it passed the taste test! Here is a review of what Inline Marketing is:

livethesource® has created a new method of person to person selling (commonly known as Network Marketing) to introduce our products to the public, we call it Inline marketing™. Everyone is familiar with Network Marketing. Network Marketing has been one of the most popular, fastest growing distribution methods for new product entries in the past several years. This traditional business model combines direct marketing with franchising. Network marketing businesses function by recruiting distributors to sell a product while offering additional sales commissions and bonuses based on personal sales, along with those of people recruited into your down-line.

Inline marketing™ is different. At livethesource we have created a new, better way of doing business. In fact, some industry insiders refer to us as a "market disruption" company...because we have thrown out an old, outdated model for something better, much better - which is sending shock waves throughout the industry. Our company markets products through multiple channels; direct sales (direct to consumer via TV, Radio, Web, Mail), retail sales (think of stores like, Walgreens & Rite-Aid), and network marketing sales (as described above). What makes Inline marketing™ unique and so innovative is that you (the entrepreneur) earn income from all channels, not just from the sales you make or from those in your down-line. You earn from the Inline! You can literally earn income while you someone purchases one of our retail products at a store like Walmart,Costco,CVS, The Vitamin Shoppe or  Walgreens and over 18,000 other retail outlets, anywhere in the country...or in the world!

Our unique, inline approach insures the viability of our company for many years to come. Additionally, each channel functions independently. Products sold by entrepreneurs are not available through retail or direct sales, nor are retail products available through our entrepreneurs. Inline marketing™ is the new standard by which all (traditional) network marketing companies will be measured.

Now after we did some serious research we found that Live The Source who used this Inline Marketing business model was definitely for real! The whole concept went into action in July of 2011 and it is over delivering on it's promise to not only pay the person big who is first starting out, but paying the seasoned Networker 5-7 times what they would normally earn on the same exact volume in their present business and organization.

We highly recommend for the person first starting out in the direct marketing industry as well as the seasoned Networkers to take the time to research this powerful Inline Marketing business model!

We are the Livethesource Top Distributors and Inline Marketing Top Team. Take the time to visit our website and if you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to either email us or call out 800 number.

For the more serious Entrepreneur, we can set up a call for you to personally talk with the founder of the company Mr Ted Farnsworth!

Find us here:

John J Callanan

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Livethesource and Inline Marketing has created a business model that is creating a massive market disruption though out the Direct Sales Industry. We are the Livethesource Top Distributors and Inline Marketing Top Team!

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