Superbowl Analogy Fuels Newest Entry to The Productivity Pro’s Goal Setting TechniquesIn her newest blog on goal setting trends, time management and productivity expert Laura Stack observes how football provides a blueprint for setting and achieving goals, and spending time more productively.
By: Liz Ernst Stack says that the game of football provides a blueprint for setting and achieving goals, and spending time more productively that can be applied to everyday life. Successful football teams devote significant amounts of time to achieving one goal: winning. To get there, they plan each move of the ball down the field, envisioning each yard line they’ll overcome to reach their goal. “Successful people devote time to planning what they’ll accomplish in business and in life,” Stack says. “Ask the coaches who’ve led teams to the Super Bowl. “They know you can’t win without a good game plan.” Stack thinks outside the box when it comes to finding examples of time managed well and productivity at peak levels, and she applies her observations to lessons for the workplace and lifestyle choices people make in order to be as productive as possible. In her latest blog entry, she rallies up an acrostic word game using “Superbowl” For instance, the “S” in Superbowl can stand for “specific”; “’Lose weight’ isn’t specific,” Stack says. “But ‘Lose 30 pounds at one pound a week’ can be measured by simply stepping on the scale.” The “U” in Superbowl, Stack says in her blog, can stand for “Us.” The quarterback doesn’t attempt to score by himself; he hands off the ball to other players. Translation: Stack challenges readers to get creative when it comes to improving their productivity by emulating those institutions – like football – that rely on goal-oriented techniques to achieve their objectives day after day, week after week. The advice Stack offers in this newest entry offers readers the opportunity to observe the way finely-tuned athletic teams use small, well-planned steps to achieve a favorable outcome, rather than trying to plunge 100 yards all at once. “Get moving, and you’ll soon feel the positive effects of the change,” Stack says. “Every little bit of change can lead to long-term healthy habits.” To learn more about developing time management and personal productivity skills, visit The Productivity Pro website, ( About Laura Stack: Laura Stack is a time management and productivity expert who has been speaking and writing about human potential and peak performance since 1992. She has implemented employee productivity improvement programs at Wal-Mart, Cisco Systems, UBS, Aramark, and Bank of America. Stack presents keynotes and seminars internationally for leaders, entrepreneurs, salespeople, and professional services firms on improving output, lowering stress, and saving time in the workplace. The president of The Productivity Pro®, Inc., a time management firm specializing in high-stress environments, Stack is the bestselling author of five books: “SuperCompetent” Photos: End