“A New Paradigm in Product Training - Merging Content, Technology, & Service”

How can training content be made more relevant, purposeful and just-in-time for sales people? Join our webinar to find out answer for this question.
Jan. 23, 2012 - PRLog -- Product training is the most important aspect of sales training. With changing business scenarios and shorter product life cycles, there is a need to relook the way training has been done in the past -with thick product manuals for reference, rigid schedules for instructor-led training, and limited or no peer-to-peer learning. How can training be aligned to the changing requirements of sales personnel today? How can organizations provide anytime, anywhere access to training and information? How can information be made available in a format those appeals to sales people, while facilitating peer-to-peer interaction for collaborative learning?

On Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 10.30am EST, CommLab is conducting a live webinar on “A New Paradigm in Product Training – Merging Content, Technology, & Service”. The webinar aims at getting participants acquainted with new solutions to make Product Trainings more relevant and purposeful for sales people.

The webinar is completely free and will include answers to the following questions:

•   Why is the traditional paradigm for training no longer relevant?
•   What is the new paradigm and how will it change the way we look at product trainings?
•   What are the key prerequisites for organizations to implement this new paradigm of training?
•   How can we deliver highly effective product trainings by integrating content, technology, and service?

To register for this webinar, please visit: http://www.commlabindia.com/elearning-resources/a-new-par...

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CommLab India is a custom eLearning solution provider for thirty organizations in six countries. Our core business is enhancing PERFORMANCE through LEARNING Solutions:
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