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Follow on Google News | New GLA Supplement As Seen on Dr. OzDr. Oz recently talked about GLA for weight loss. GLA helps to reduce inflammation and convinces fat cells to get rid of the fat...and now you can buy it.
Gamma Linolenic Acid is a fatty substance, most commonly found in evening primrose oil. It is an Omega-6 fatty acid, or EFA. EFA’s are called essential because your body needs them for health but they cannot be manufactured by the body, they must be ingested. They are important for brain development, skin and hair growth and help keep the metabolism working. EFA’s come in Omega-3′s and Omega-6′s and both are vital for good health. There are several different Omega-6 EFA’s, with the predominance of those being unhealthy as they show a tendency to promote inflammation. GLA appears to work differently, as it reduces Dr. Oz had said. Some believe that GLA increases the metabolic rate, the rate at which your body can burn calories. No study has proven this conclusively, however. GLA is classified as safe for most people, although it can cause diarrhea. It can also slow the clotting of blood, and the use of GLA should be mentioned to your doctor. Life Extension Mega GLA provides 299mg of GLA per capsule. Dr. Oz recommends 800mg per day, so we would recommend taking 3 capsules per day - # # # Best Price Nutrition provides not only the best prices, but helpful information for buying high-quality bodybuilding supplements, vitamins & minerals, protein supplements, weight loss products, no supplements and recovery supplements from the top brands. End
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