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Follow on Google News | Alcoholics Anonymous Speaker - Substance Abuse Prevention SpeakerAlcoholics anonymous speaker and substance abuse prevention speaker Paul F Davis (victimized by three generations of alcoholism) personally understands the pain caused by substance abuse and alcoholics to themselves and the families who love them. Paul's mother was an alcoholic and substance abuser - she having predeceased Paul's grandparents who raised him in the absence of his alcoholic and drug addict mother. Paul's mother Marsha also died at the hands of an 18 year-old drunk driver when she was 49 years of age crossing the street somewhat drunk herself at 2am in Orlando, FL. The 18 year-old driver screamed, "I can't live with this on my mind!" on the police video Paul watched from the scene of the accident after his mother's death. While caring for his beloved grandparents in their old age, Paul discovered his precious grandfather (who he affectionately called "Pop-Pop"), a retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel, also had a drinking problem. He was just more discreet about it, hiding small bottles of vodka in his car and trunk, which he'd drink secretly when away from home. As Pop-Pop's eyesight declined and Paul shared his grandfather's car for a time, Paul discovered his grandfather's drinking problem and confronted him about it, asking him at the very least to drink at home and not drink and drive. Unfortunately, Pop-Pop didn't listen and at the age of 83 years, Pop-Pop while drinking vodka slipped at a convenient store at 11:30am one morning, fell backward, hitting his head and suffering a bad head injury, which was followed by a stroke within 24 hours, causing Pop-Pop to lose the ability to speak. Bedridden for two months and unable to talk, Paul's vibrant and happy-go-lucky grandfather who never missed a baseball game of Paul's (who was like a father and childhood hero to Paul) laid there in a cold, dark hospital room unable to function until he got pneumonia and died. Sadly, Paul's half-brother from his stepmother and father has been in and out of jail for various misdemeanors related to alcoholism and substance abuse for 15 years causing Paul and his parents great pain. Thus the last two times Paul's brother was imprisoned, Paul wrote him a post card stating the following (in hopes of getting through to him that alcohol is a curse, not a blessing) since his brother thus far hasn't made the decision to stop drinking despite the immense pain and suffering it has caused him and his family. Hopefully this will help someone. A - always losing L - living for nothing C - can't think straight O - out of control H - hopelessly addicted O - octopus like entanglements L - legally bound behind bars Paul speaks worldwide (64 countries and 6 continents thus far) as a substance abuse prevention speaker and alcoholics anonymous speaker to save lives, change hearts and minds, and help alcoholics (even the most stubborn ones) sober up lest their lives be brought to an abrupt halt and premature death. ( End
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