Hall Of Fame Producer Robert Metzgar, tells new songwriters "Don't Take It Personal."Singer/songwriters find salvation in people who believe in their talent. Sometimes the stinging criticism of music row "insiders" can so discourage a songwriter they give up prematurely. Metzgar advises them to seek another valid second opinion.
By: Entertainment Headline News Nashville Singer/songwriters find salvation in the pursuit of people who believe in their talent, their songwriting and give them professional advice. Sometimes the stinging criticism of the so called music row "insiders" really hurts the new songwriter and can so discourage them that they quit and give up prematurely. Hall Of Fame producer and very successful ASCAP songwriter Robert Metzgar says, "Don't take it personal." Go on to another person for a valid second opinion. That's what I did and I've been doing this now for over 35 years. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One man's "I just don't hear this song as being commercial" is another man's hit record. *See http://www.robertmetzgar.com If you are tired of being ignored and having your songs rejected by the so called professionals on music row, and especially the various trade organizations, give our company a chance to review your material. You can call us for a "free evaluation" of your talent as an artist and songwriter. If a person is commercially talented, then they should be recognized by professional people in the business. That's what people hire us to do. We evaluate where they are and guide them to the next level of success. Our job is to create new revenue streams with their commercial product. Age has nothing to do with your songwriting skills. This past year our publishing company had the opportunity to work with a man who was 54 years old. He had been told a hundred times that his songs weren't commercial and that he was too old to write hit records. He certainly proved the critics wrong. Bob Carlyle was 56 years old when he had "Butterfly Kisses" and sold over 13 million copies of one of America's favorite songs. Age is a matter of perception. Some older adults are the most contemporary young people that I know. Don't let anything discourage you from the pursuit of your dream. Do you sometimes feel like the red headed step child who woke up and realized he was not only "red headed" but the middle child as well? Hire a consultant to guide you. Everyone who works at our company are former major label Executives and can guide you forward with your music. Everyone in Nashville has an opinion and often they really enjoy putting new songwriters and artists down. Think outside the box and you'll be more successful than you can ever imagine. *See http://www.capitolmanagement.com When I arrived in Nashville as a little innocent Pentecostal preacher's kid, I took my songs around music row. I went to a lady who had told me she published gospel material and played her a song or two. She listened to two minutes of one of my songs, wadded up my lyrics, threw them casually across the office into the trash can and said, “That is the worse piece of *** I have ever heard in my life. Really Robert, we don’t need anymore songwriters from Texas coming up to Nashville with their home grown songs." Needless to say the rejection and those words stung deep down inside for months to come. However, it all made me stronger. It made me examine every line of the songs that I was writing and it helped me to get better. I got a lot better. *See http://www.ascapsongs.com A couple of years went by and I came across Mitch Johnson at Loretta Lynn’s Coalminer’s Publishing operation in Nashville and he listened to those same songs. He loved them and invited me to write with him. Mitch Johnson & Loretta Lynn helped me become the songwriter and artist that I have become today. He saw potential where others saw competition. The group I sing in, the Smokey River Boys have had some wonderful success. I give all the credit to a loving God, who directed me to the right people. *http://www.smokeyriverboys.com The more successful you become the more enemies you’ll make. Have a big hit record and the more criticism will be directed your way. The jealousy in the entertainment business eats some people up like a worm inside a bad apple. They are consumed with hatred and jealousy when they see others make it and they can’t seem to get past the front door. It’s all in the song and if you need guidance and help with your songs, you have to be willing to listen to constructive criticism and take the advice of others. Our publishing operation is simple. We have a BMI publishing company and an ASCAP publishing company and we are willing to listen. It costs money to get a great product, develop a commercial catalog and do the things that you need to do to earn money with your songs. Don’t expect a free ride. You don’t ask the lady at Kroger when you get ready to check out, if you can sing for your groceries. You pay for your groceries and you pay for the commercial production of your songs. K T Oslin was in her 50’s when her career got off the ground and she sold millions of her 80's ladies records. Don’t let those who are jealous of your success discourage you. Harold Shedd saw greatness in K T Oslin when others had passed her by. All 7 majors at the time of Garth Brooks entry into country music had sent him rejection letters. He had two rejection letters from the label who finally signed him. Let’s face it, we all need someone who cares enough to help us where we are weak and compliment us where we are strong. Our company professionally helps people become better at their craft. For further information about publishing your material or a commercial review of your talent contact us at: Robert Metzgar, GM Capitol Management Group 330 Franklin Road Brentwood, TN 37027-3282 800-767-4984 (toll free) 615-321-0600 (main) 615-338-4497 (fax) http://www.capitolmanagement.com info@capitolmanagement.com Aim High Music (ASCAP) 330 Franklin Road Brentwood, TN 37027-3282 800-767-4984 (toll free) 615-321-0600 (main) 615-338-4497 (fax) http://www.aimhighmusic.com info@aimhighmusic.com Club Platinum Music (BMI) 330 Franklin Road Brentwood, TN 37027-3282 800-767-4984 (toll free) 615-321-0600 (main) 615-338-4497 (fax) http://www.bobbyandbilly.com info@bobbyandbilly.com Mr. Metzgar is celebrating 35 years in the music business. Below is a discography of his awards. *Elected to Legends Hall Of Fame (2003) *Elected to the Producer's Hall Of Fame (2000) *Elected as Cashbox Magazine's Producer Of The Year (1988-1989-1990- # # # Platinum Plus Records has been producing prestigious award winning music projects in Nashville for the past 40 years. Before you record with anyone else, check with our company first toll free at 800-767-4984 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End