Hawaii Private Detective license examination test

Every year, more people fail the examination test to obtain a Hawaii Private Detective license than those who pass it! That need not happen-- we have a Test Preparation Package to help.
May 13, 2012 - PRLog -- Material is available to help pass the Hawaii PD exam. But a little data first:

1) Hawaii has the highest past experience requirement of any state:
To apply, you must have at least 4 years of investigative experience from:
a. under the supervision of a licensed private detective
b. as a police officer with a police department of a state or political subdivision thereof
c: as an investigator with any federal, state, county, or municipal government agency, or
d: as an investigator by an attorney-at-law or law firm
(Note: no credit is given for any education degree)

2) The license is renewed every 2 years, by June 30 on even-numbered years

3) Here are the state PI license testing details-

--90 minutes allowed to complete test

--80 questions on test

--all multiple-choice answers

--testing offered once every month, Oahu only

--60 questions correct (75%) required to pass

--testing is done with paper and pencil
--results mailed within 5 days of completing the exam

Most test-takers DO NOT PASS the Hawaii private detective license examination.

4) Per recent HI PD Board meeting minutes, we see they
Hawaii Private Detective Examination in a recent half year period . . .
(It appears that only about 5 applicants pass per year!)

5) Hawaii private detective law tells:

Private detectives and detective agencies; qualifications for license. (a) The board may grant a private detective license to any suitable individual, or a detective agency license to any suitable firm making written application therefor. The applicant, if an individual, or the principal detective of a firm shall:
Be not less than eighteen years of age;
Have had a high school education or its equivalent;
Have had experience reasonably equivalent to at least four years of full-time investigational work,
and only four types of experience qualify for this:
a. under the supervisoion of a licensed private detective
b. as a police officer with a police department of a state or political subdivision thereof
c: as an investigator with any federal, state, county, or municipal government agency
d: as an investigator by an attorney-at-law or law firm
Note: There is no credit given for an education degree.
Not be presently suffering from any psychiatric or psychological disorder which is directly related and detrimental to a person's performance in the profession;
Not have been convicted in any jurisdiction of a crime which reflects unfavorably on the fitness of the applicant to engage in the profession, unless the conviction has been annulled or expunged by court order; and
Possess a history of honesty, truthfulness, financial integrity, and fair dealing. A firm applying for a detective agency license shall have in its employ an individual who is licensed as a private detective and who shall be designated as the principal detective for the firm, and shall provide a bond as required under section 463-12.

----By the way, if you want to download a HI PD license application, you can paste this into your browser: http://hawaii.gov/dcca/pvl/boards/private/application_pub...

For information on obtaining study material to help pass this licensing examination, visit http://www.thePIgroup.com/hawaii.html and also call 818-883-6969.
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