How Can a Small Business Survive Google Penguin?How a small business CAN survive the google penguin update that has crushed us little guys out there.
By: power of attorney form May 22, 2012 - PRLog -- If you'e reading this you have read all the forums on warrior, blackhat, and the major SEO news agencies. We have read about keyword stuffing, duplicate content (which was my problem) and those dirty links pointing at us. So you have changed your site and waiting for your rankings to rise and haven't seen a thing yet. How am I going to pull this off?
Knowing what you know, and if you had to start another website, to secure your place on google no matter what keyword stuffing or content issues you have what seems to be the only way to stay up there, keyword rich domain names. That's right I said it, what has always carried weight throughout the years. Why do you think all the big SEO companies all have the letters "S-E-O" somewhere in that domain? They know the dirty little secret. Okay I have seen a HUGE rankings loss in the penguin update (around 35%) and since have not regained but at being only 5 months old and going from 1,400 to 1,100, I am only able to go out 3 nights a week now. But how did I start this? Emailing good domain names using the google adword keyword tool and researching not the term too many people look at, but the one you must click, EXACT MATCH KEYWORDS. Domains with exact match keywords will instantly give you a boost. I HAVE THE PROOF - I started a power of attorney forms website,, where I was at 20 clicks on January 1st when it went up and running. After google's first indexing of the site, I received 250 clicks/day. Now, I have a pr 4 ranking, and am receiving 1,100 clicks (today is May 22nd - Almost 150 days). because people broad searches in 125,000 and exact match 271,00 per month) Another example, I have a Rental Lease Agreement website that is a little tricky because it is only around 6,000 exact match. But 'Rental Agreement' and 'Lease Agreement" are searched exactly 27,100 each and mean the exact same thing. Plus a broad searches totaling 1,100,000 I had to give it a try, and boom. Started April1 and now am reaching 550 clicks (72 Days in). I have draw penalties just like every website does. It's turned into a game of DO NOT MAKE PENALTIES. Instead of floating up a keyword jungle you will rocket-ship. Let's talk conversion factors, not to mention the domain will rise just because it IS an exact match, your website's button will be in bold illuminating your subject line. My story of building a site with a good keyword foundation. End