Fastest and Easiest Way to Immediately Cure your Asian Flush Syndrome ConditionAsian Flush is a terribly annoying conditon preventing the Asian flush sufferer from enjoying alcohol as doing so results in an allergic reaction preventing the enjoyment of alcoholic beverages. Learn how to easily and immediately cure Asian flush...
By: No Red Face Formula website Asian flush is a condition characterized by an allergy like reaction to the ingestion of alcohol. Although Asian flush is not truly an allergy it symptoms are extremely allergy like. Asian flush is caused by the sufferers bodies inability to properly process alcohol. In enzyme that is critical in the metabolism of alcohol is missing and/or in active in the Asian flush sufferer. ASIAN FLUSH CURE WEBSITES: Asian Flush Solutions Online. - < < Asian Flush Cure - - < < Red face from alcohol info -" < < Asian Flush website THE ASIAN FLUSH SYMPTOMS: alcohol flush reaction. There is a wide array of Asian flush symptoms. How many and which of these Asian flush symptoms the sufferer experiences varies widely from person to person. The complete list of alcohol flush reaction symptoms includes: -Classic red face - this is the most common alcohol flush reaction. -Itchiness of the skin. -Red blotches were patches on other areas of the body. -Some Asian flush sufferers experience a sensation of heat emanating from the red patches. -Runny nose. -Congestion. -An intense sense of upper body pressure or bloating. -Nausea. More severe alcohol flush reaction symptoms include: -Vomiting -Headache -An extremely intense hangover the next day way out of proportion relative to the amount of alcohol consumed Some Asian flush sufferers only experience one or two of the symptoms mildly and infrequently, in other words, not every time they drink alcohol. At the other end of the spectrum there are some Asian flush sufferers experience the symptoms with extreme intensity every single time they drink. ASIAN FLUSH CAUSE: Why is my face turning red when I drink alcohol? Immediately after alcohol enters your bloodstream your body goes to work to eliminate it. The human body is smart and knows that alcohol has no redeeming qualities or benefits. As the body begins to remove the alcohol there is a toxic byproduct or waste product called Acetaldehyde which is more toxic and more dangerous than the alcohol itself. In most people the liver begins to go to work producing and releasing an enzyme called Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2). This enzyme neutralizes Acetaldehyde rendering it harmless to our body. When an individual consumes alcohol in a quantity or speed faster than the body can release Aldehyde dehydrogenase a buildup of Acetaldehyde begins to occur. One of the major causes of hangover from drinking is the buildup of this Acetaldehyde. People suffering from Asian flush or alcohol flush reaction Aldehyde dehydrogenase is largely inactive. What this means is in Asian flush sufferers Aldehyde dehydrogenase is largely ineffective at neutralizing Acetaldehyde. The net result is Acetaldehyde builds up in Asian flush sufferers at a faster rate than normal. The higher than normal levels of Acetaldehyde in the bloodstream results in the Asian flush symptoms mentioned above as well as account for the much more intense hangover than normal relative to the amount of alcohol consumed the night before. ASIAN FLUSH CANCER: esophageal cancer for Asian Flush victims. For Asian flush sufferers will him who rarely consume alcohol, once per month or less, the elevated levels of the toxic Acetaldehyde are inconsequential relative to long-term health. For more regular consumers of alcohol suffering from the Asian flush condition and inactive Aldehyde dehydrogenase the regular occurring elevated levels of Acetaldehyde become carcinogenic as there is now direct, irrefutable, evidence linking Asian flush sufferers who are regular consumers of alcohol and much higher incidences of cancer, specifically esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. This is the main danger in assuming Pepcid AC is a reliable Asian flush cure. As previously mentioned the Pepcid AC can reduce or perhaps even eliminate the red face but does absolutely nothing to remove the Acetaldehyde. Asian flush sufferers who mistakenly assume Pepcid AC alone is an Asian flush cure think they are safe to consume alcohol on a regular basis when in fact they are elevating their risks of digestive tract cancer 10 times that of a non-Asian flush sufferer. ASIAN FLUSH CURE: Pepcid AC? The latest talk at Asian flush forums is the idea that Pepcid AC, and H2 blocking antacid tablet similar to Zantac, is an effective Asian flush cure. This is a complete fallacy. The reason the idea that Pepcid AC could possibly be in Asian flush cure has been brought up is a small percentage of Asian flush sufferers only experience the red face as an Asian flush symptom from consuming alcohol. The H2-blockers in Pepcid AC are effective at reducing the facial redness symptom of Asian flush. Asian flush sufferers who only experience the facial redness symptom tried Pepcid AC which did effectively reduce their facial redness and so they came to the conclusion Pepcid AC is ineffective Asian flush cure. Pepcid AC will do absolutely nothing for all of the other Asian flush symptoms. Trying to use Pepcid AC alone as an Asian flush cure is actually a dangerous proposition. The reason for this is the cause of Asian flush, an accumulation of Acetaldehyde, is not being removed or neutralized at all by the Pepcid AC. Elevated levels of Acetaldehyde are very toxic as well as carcinogenic. In order to effectively prevent or stop Asian flush you need to take action that will eliminate the buildup of Acetaldehyde in the body. This can only be accomplished either by terminating the consumption of alcohol altogether or the no red face formula [ ] ASIAN FLUSH DRUG: Is there a prescription for Asian Flush? At the current time, and quite likely for some time in the future, there is no prescription medicine for Asian flush. It is not that the medical community is incapable of producing a medication that can effectively, quickly, and easily deal with eliminate the alcohol flush reaction. It is that the medical community places the lowest priority on creating a medicine solely for the purpose of allowing an individual to tolerate greater quantities of alcohol. In reality any prescription medication created for the Asian flush condition would be created solely for this purpose. This would be tantamount to a prescription being created to stop cigarette smokers from coughing. The closest thing to an Asian flush drug that exists is an extremely expensive medicine called 4-Methylpyrazole hydrochloride. This medicine is actually a drug created and used for the purpose of treating accidental radiator fluid poisoning. The main action of this drug is an Acetaldehyde inhibitor. Technically speaking Methylpyrazole could potentially be used as an effective Asian flush cure however it would not be prescribed by a doctor for this purpose. THE ONLY FAST EFFECTIVE ASIAN FLUSH CURE The only Asian flush cure in existence that is proven to be 100% effective in literally 100% of Asian flush sufferers who have tried it is actually an Asian flush cure recipe called THE NO RED FACE FORMULA (see top of article for link). The no red face formula was created by a former Asian flush sufferer Jeremy Hawking. It is a recipe comprised of ingredients that can be purchased in any health food store. The no red face formula has absolutely no side effects. The Asian flush cure the no red face formula is a PDF document that contains the Asian flush cure recipe and can be downloaded for a one time charge of $37. ASIAN FLUSH CURE NO RED FACE FORMULA SIDE BENEFIT: no more hangover! One of the side benefits of using the no red face formula prior to going out drinking is no red face formula fans say the experience greatly reduced or eliminated hangovers. Photos: End