Panda then Penguin What Next Piranha

First came the Panda algorithm series that changed the largest search engine on the planet’s way of doing business forever. The next algorithm changes were named Penguin. That only means that Piranha must be next a real-life flesh eating algorithm.
May 25, 2012 - PRLog -- First along came Panda algorithm series and that changed the largest search engine on the planet’s way of doing business forever, and for most website owners, not in a good way. Then, the next series of algorithm changes were nicknamed Penguin. That can only mean that Piranha must be next, a real-life flesh eating algorithm designed to literally reach out in 3D from your computer monitor and rip your webmaster head clean off.

Does this pretty much describe your seo situation yet? I thought so. The word mayhem seems fitting about now.

Just when the largest search engine, that was built on the premise that all things can be equal in online business ventures sucks us all in, they get greedy and change the whole nature of their being. And the single most asked question is; WHY? For what logical reason would you do a 180 on what brought you to the party to begin with? There seems to be personal reasons involved here.

Every person who has ever owned a website has been left in a trail of dust wondering what, in the name of good times, were they thinking? Folks were actually making good, no great, money from the comforts of their den or wherever their home pc was located. Then, with very little warning and with absolutely no rhyme or reason the whole online financial world has been rocked by rpg’s and mortar from friendly fire, unrelenting and unmercifully.

If there were really a good reason to foresee a need to make changes to the largest provider of generic search results, you would think they would provide specific outlines needed to comply with the changes and give fair warning of the consequences. This would be correct if there were not personal intervention logic afoot. Greed is a terrible thing and no one is exempt, once you are bitten with enormous and global success.

All that is left is for the Piranha algorithm changes to sweep in overnight and unknowingly reverse the internet to be run by our computers making us do whatever they decide they want. The fear factor of doing something wrong has already had legitimate website owners scrambling to reassure themselves that they think they have all their p’s and q’s are covered. But, as well as you might think you are protected, you should rethink that whole idea again, you’re not.

This idea that you can trust the largest search engine on the planet to look after your best interest is a total farce and you need to know this like, yesterday. They are a business that has but one entity at heart and that is their business only. Sad, but a truer statement has never been uttered.

So, where do we go from here? Well, if you have made the mistake millions of others have made, you put all your egg traffic in one basket, generic search results. After all, no one has come along and trashed your website itself; they just added yours to the Chinese phone book traffic directory under the name of Chin. No slam intended just an illustration. You are lost to the world from ever being found in generic search results.

Do Not Pass Go Do Not Collect Even $20 much less $200.

Even though there are a lot of negative comments that can be made, with hopes that the ruler of the internet would listen and rethink the economic effects they cast out on so many of the masses, it ain’t going to happen.  Move on, lick your wounds and toughen up. They can and will do whatever they dang well please and you don’t matter. Sad, but true.

Well, it’s time to wake up, smell the coffee, and rethink your whole approach to gaining website traffic in such a way, that you never have to rely on someone else and their fickle ways of destroying your efforts of being seen ever again. And that method is actually the most constant form of gaining online business attention ever invented.

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