Aug. 8, 2012 -
PRLog -- Prof. Sinha spoke about the ALICE experiments and the ATLAS experiments which were carried on to find the God particle. “Nearly 3381 scientists in 173 institutes were involved in the process of inventing God particle,” said Prof. Sinha. He gave a diagrammatical representation of Large Hardon Collider (LHC) at CERN Geneva. “Higgs Boson gives mass to atoms, protons and neutrons and they together make the human body,” said Prof. Sinha. Moreover the message for the young Tech Turks of Heritage from Prof. Sinha was that today’s techies should focus on practical aspects not on the theoretical ones. “Don’t be theoreticians,”
said Prof. Sinha in his address to the students of Heritage. He also stressed the importance of today’s science graduates in research as a career. “May be as a scientist you will not be clapped every time like a celebrity but there is a tremendous joy which you will get after your successful invention. It is like finding a ray of hope after a dark tunnel,” said Prof. Sinha. The search finally ends for the one missing link to the puzzle that explains why things are as they are…this missing link, The Higgs Boson imparts mass to all material particles and without it one would fail to explain the basic properties of the world of our existence. The programme was spearheaded by Professor B.B.Paira, Director, Heritage Institute of Technology and Professor N.P.Nayak, Head of the Department, Physics, Heritage Institute of Technology. Moreover it was also contributed by Prof. Pranay Chaudhuri, Principal, Heritage Institute of Technology Kolkata. The programme witnessed a huge participation from the students and faculty members of Heritage.